Chapter 26

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Leaving the cavern which had come to be known as the Rigorass proved to be, thankfully for Braxter, decidedly easier than entering it. Ja'aris lead the way as had come to be the norm with Randyl seemingly happy to follow him. L'non walked behind him still using his trick to light the way for Braxter who followed nervously behind them all.

They had quickly gathered what few belongings they had and made sure all blades, weapons and water canteens were securely fixed about their person before making their way as one across the floor of the cavern. They walked towards one of the many similar looking tunnel mouths which now held nothing but darkness as far as Braxter could see. As they passed the mouth of one of the other tunnels however Braxter had paused for a moment noticing something around the outer edge of the opening. What he had first thought of and dismissed as nothing but erosion of the rock making up the walls of the tunnel were, in fact, etchings. More than simple etchings there were repeated angles and swirls used making it clear, even if their meaning was anything but, that they were without a doubt words. Words in a language he had no understanding of or the like of which he had never seen before. He reached out with one hand and slowly traced the markings gently with his finger-tips. L'non had stopped walking, sensing that Braxter was no longer following him and turned to walk back and join him at the entrance to the tunnel. He smiled at the look of wonder on the younger man's face.

"The Rigorass guides those who use it." He said as if that one statement explained everything.

"So, what - these are directions?" Braxter raised a sceptical eyebrow as he asked.

"More than just directions Braxter," L'non replied. "Consider them more instructions. Warnings. Advice on how best to travel the Rushala...safely."

Braxter gave L'non an even more puzzled expression than before but he continued to trace his fingers across the etchings, his eyes following where his hand went.

"So, who left them here. I mean, who made them? And when?" he asked but L'non was already smiling and shaking his head slowly.

"The Rigorass is not as definite as a regular map - this is not the forest north of Brookdale you are travelling through after all." He patted the tunnel wall gently, almost affectionately, running his own hand over the lettering. "The instructions are not, contrary to how things may look, set in stone."

Braxter met the watchers eye and after an awkward couple of seconds realised he'd made a joke. He couldn't help but give a half-laugh, albeit a very tired one.

"What then - they change?" Braxter asked.

"Over time, yes they have been known to." L'non replied simply.

"Well who changes them?" L'non clapped him on the shoulder as they stood side by side at the mouth of the tunnel.

"That my friend is just one of the many mysteries of this whole place. That changes are made is certain, just as lands change over time. But as for who makes those changes - to land or these caves - is not known. Not for certain at least."

A look of fear flashed across Braxter's face and he glanced about himself nervously.

"So someone might be living down here, changing these markings?" He leaned into L'non and continued in a whisper. "They could be watching us right now!"

"That may be so." L'non gave a shallow laugh sounding just as exhausted as Braxter felt. "Or it may be that the Rigorass just makes the changes itself. Whatever the case, this is a place of mystery, always has been. And not a mystery I am hopeful of solving any time soon. The instructions have always been there, even if they change a little from time to time. Providing you travel its ways with a sound heart and clear mind it gets you where you need to go. Most times at least."

At that they paused and for a moment neither of them spoke. Braxters heart raced at yet another new discovery - how many years it had been here, how many had travelled its ways, who made it and why. He stood and wondered and tried to take it all in. All this so close to the village where he had lived all his life in complete ignorance of its existence. He felt quite foolish. And very small, very alone. The world he thought he knew seemed to be getting bigger and bigger all the time and in turn the part he had to play in it seemed to becoming less and less important. Things both timeless and huge in their magnitude and scope were being revealed all around him and he, just a boy of 16 summers - what could he do that might have the slightest effect on any of it? Very little, he thought with regret, lost deep in his own thoughts.

He jumped and yelled with fright when Ja'aris called to them from inside the tunnel.

"When you've both finished? It appears that our dragon friend has no use for me to guide him - he can see as well as me in the dark and was too impatient to wait for you. He must be half way to Heldaro by now." His black eyes were all that could be seen from the darkness of the tunnel - L'nons light illuminated little beyond the entrance but reflected off them as twin points in the dark. "It might be an idea if we catch up to him before he gets there?"

And with that his eyes disappeared as he turned and walked off down the tunnel. L'non marched after him and Braxter followed.

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