Chapter 27

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Inside the tunnel L'nons light allowed Braxter to see a few feet in front of him but that was all, and only then if he walked close behind the watcher. Although the trick had illuminated the entire cavern, somehow banishing all but the darkest shadows into the furthest corners, in the closed space of the tunnel its power was not as potent.

The roof of the tunnel was half again as high as Braxter was tall and with space on either side of him to reach out his hands and be able to touch each rough dirt wall if he so wished. Yet even so he could see only L'non in front of him and the occasional hint of Ja'aris beyond him - the heel of his foot or the shape of his back. It was as if the light being created by L'non was being smothered or absorbed somehow - whatever the explanation, he should have been able to see around a hundred yards in either direction based on how far he could see from the same source of illumination when they were in the cavern. With L'nons words regarding travelling the Rigorass still fresh in his mind however, Braxter simply put this down to the strange times in which he now found himself. Things which made no sense and worked against his most logical thinking were already being readily accepted as just another of those things which happened that he didn't understand. He smiled to himself as he thought about how things used to be - how he and Randyl had once thought themselves so knowledgeable of the world and its workings. Just another thing so drastically changed in such a short time.

Although a new and certainly unusual experience, the monotony of walking through a tunnel with little or nothing more to see than L'nons back and the sandy earthen walls which surrounded them soon began to tell on Braxter. He felt the need to break the silence again just to relieve his boredom rather from any desire to actually pursue a meaningful conversation.

"So, your friend at Heldaro...the one we were taking Randyl to when he was..." he paused as he tried to decide the right words to use. "...well, just before." He decided that was as good a word as any.

"Yes?" L'non half-turned to speak over his shoulder.

Braxter paused, not knowing what to say. He had been hoping that L'non would take the hint to volunteer some information about this person, to maybe reveal something which might lift his spirits, maybe something about a powerful healer, skilled in his craft and simply waiting to ply his talents to their cause. When nothing of the sort was forthcoming Braxter decided to prompt, subtly, for that information to be divulged.

"Known him long have you?" He cringed as his own lack of tact.

"Yes." Answered L'non flatly, giving nothing away and continuing to face forwards.

"Erm...old then, is he?" Braxter cringed even more.


"Old and powerful then?" Braxter was glad he was walking behind everyone else - it meant there was nobody to see him grimacing.

"In a way." L'non half-turned his head again that time and it was enough of an encouragement for Braxter to cling to and continue his questioning with renewed gusto.

"An old and powerful healer? A healer or more of an all-round magic user would you say? A magic user who could help us fight the Ulrogg? I've heard stories of magic users in old times - throwing giant fire balls at armies of darklings or freezing enemies in their hundreds even as they charged. That was in the seven year war I think. Is he like that, Master L'non?" Braxters excitement infused his ramblings, his words saturated with hope.

"He's more of a chemist to be honest Braxter. He deals in healing herbs and the like." L'non stopped and turned to Braxter as he said this, seeing the disappointment fall over the younger man's face. "Sorry." He added.

Braxter looked at the ground, his eyes scanning back and forwards rapidly but seeing nothing more interesting than the hard packed earth.

"I think he might know how to freeze water..." L'non offered after a few seconds of silence, unable to leave Braxter so crestfallen. His offer had an immediate effect with Braxters face creasing in delight as a huge grin erupted over it.

"I knew it! I knew it!" he laughed. "A real magic user. Wow! And we're going to meet up with him! Wow!" Braxter had become in just a few moments a boy once more, his excitement reversing the effects of the fear and fatigue he was feeling right down to his core.

"If he's not dead that is." The watcher added suddenly as if remembering something. "He does have a few unusual...particular...well, you'll see for yourself soon enough anyway." If Braxter heard the last part of what was said, he didn't react - he had a faraway look in his eye again as he imagined what it would be like to meet a real magic user - another figure of legend.

"What's his name L'non?" he asked with a smile.

"His name is McSween. McSween Drossan." And he turned and set off walking once again. "Hurry now Braxter, we should catch the others. They'll be almost out by now."

And although Braxter did hurry to catch up he wasn't really listening - he was lost in thoughts of the Great Mage McSween Drossan.

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