Chapter 4 | Magic Sings

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"Magic Sings"
|Don't own Harry Potter|

"Magic Sings"|Don't own Harry Potter|

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Third POV:

Kings Cross Station was the same a before, if not a bit cleaner and newer looking.

Faye spent five minutes being squeezed the living daylights out of and three minutes comforting her mum.

When her parents switched, Faye groaned at the pure strength her papa was hugging her.

"Papa, enough. It will be okay. I'll see you in a few months during break." She patted her papa's back in comfort.

Faye POV:

"But my little fairy, are you sure you want to go?" He asked picking me off the ground cuddling me even though I was eleven.

Seeing how distraught he was about his two youngest leaving so I let it slide... just this once.

In the corner of my eye I noticed Petunia and Lily talking before Petunia stormed away looking angry to me while Lily looked like she was going to cry.

"Petunia? Where's my goodbye hug? You didn't forget about poor little me did you?" I teased her as her angry expression slipped off her face into exasperated smile as she plucked me out of Papa's arms who protested but let go to hug his little red princess.

"Petunia you're squeezing me." I couldn't help but to whine pouting. She lightly laughed before pulling me into a softer hug as she stroked my head.

"Don't forget our promise okay?" She said. I nodded my against her shoulder before letting her go when the whistle shrieked.

"I won't. Love you Petunia! Love you mum and papa! See you later!" I shouted as I was dragged away by Lily who had a tight grip on me and Severus.


I watched the interaction with Severus and Lily vs. James Potter and Sirius Black with a raised eyebrow.

So all this petty bullying and trying to cutthroat each other was because a bunch of eleven year olds were biased towards their respective houses.

Just wow. Pathetic.

But then again I was a biased prick too, so I couldn't say much.

Looking up from my book I barely lifted my head when I saw Lily storming off with Severus in tow.

What a great sister you are. Leaving your twin sister behind but taking your boy toy with you?

I feel the love.

I was going to continue reading when I heard someone clear their throat.

Looking up, stunning emerald green eyes met an equally stunning pair of stormy gray eyes.

"You're in my space." I stated bluntly pushing his face away from mine, although my heart was pounding wildly.


A boy with wild messy hair, square jaw, hazel brown eyes, and a cheeky smile introduced himself. "I'm James. James Potter."

His smile was rather endearing in a "you're cute at the moment but I know you're a little hellion" kind of way.

The next boy with a beautiful aristocratic face equipped with high cheek bones, a straight nose, and a perfect rich boy smile introduced himself next. "I'm Sirius. Sirius Black."

I giggled and couldn't helped but to ask, "Are you serious?"

He let out a chuckle.

The next boy was quiet and shy. He had sandy blonde hair and beautiful amber eyes. But I could see that he was scared and afraid so I sent him an easy smile which he returned. Easily his face became more boyish cute and carefree. "I-I'm Remus. Remus Lupin."

I smiled kindly at the gentle soul.

I guess it was my turn.

Third POV:

James, Sirius, and Remus paid attention to the tiny (compared to them) strawberry blonde girl with stunning emerald green eyes. She had a heart shape face and an easy smile. "I'm Faye. Faye Evans. And yes I'm related to Lily Evans, she's my baby twin sister."

She answered with a knowing smile as they closed their mouths.

"Do you want to try muggle chocolate?" I asked pulling a couple bars of my favorites. A gift from Papa when mum wasn't looking, I'm sure Lily got something similar.

Seeing their pleased smiles, I couldn't help but to smile as well.


The four of us stood in front of Hagrid, I waved the three boys goodbye before joining a boat with two girls and a boy.

I was going to introduce myself but I along with pretty much everyone stared at Hogwarts in awe.

The last time I saw Hogwarts, she was in the middle of being reconstructed. I felt my eyes water but I refused to shed any tears.

That was my old past. And now I'm going to make a better future.

Hogwarts... I'm home.

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