Chapter 7 | Puberty Sucks Hairy Balls

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"Puberty Sucks Hairy Balls"
|Don't own Harry Potter|

"Puberty Sucks Hairy Balls"|Don't own Harry Potter|***

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Third POV:

Lily watched her twin sister confidently walk down the corridors of Hogwarts arms locked with her pureblood friend, Valerie with a sense of envy.

She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help but to feel jealous of her confidence and friendship.

Why couldn't Severus and her have that kind of friendship too?

She bitterly laughed. Her a Gryffindor? She couldn't even get her Sev's attention unless they were away from the Slytherins.

Lily knew she and Faye weren't as close as they used to be, but then again they were never as close as the Prewitt twins who seem to do everything together and happily so.

She chewed her bottom lip in thought.

"Hey Lily!" Someone shouted.

She looked up from her book, it was Faye who cheerfully waved from the Ravenclaw table.

Lily lightly blushed at the attention she was getting but ignored it in favor of waving back at her twin.

It was times like these she threw away her insecurities because at the end of the day, Faye would always be her big sister. Her twin.


Faye POV:


I giggled with Valerie as we watched the self proclaimed "Marauders" singing a love song that James probably wrote considering the amount of times.

Lovely red hair. Lily Flower. Gorgeous emerald green eyes were repeatedly sung.

I couldn't help myself at the last one.

"Thanks James for the compliment!" I shouted back.

"You're Welcome love! But I prefer Lily Flower no hard feelings!" He yelled chuckling back along with many other who enjoyed out banter.

"SO WHAT DO YOU SAY? WANNA BE MY GIRL—" poor James didn't get to finish as a custard pie was smashed into his face.

"NO! James I will not." Lily angrily answered before storming out the Great Hall.

Everyone watched in silence as James smile slipped from his face before it came back ten time brighter.

"Feisty! I like it, one day I will succeed!" James announced eyes burning in determination as his friends helped vanish the food from his face, hair, and robes.

My eyes moved away from James to the boy who sat next to him.

Stunning emerald green eyes met stunning gray eyes.

I felt my mouth curl into a smile when Sirius returned the smile. Huh, never noticed how his whole face lit up when he smiled.

It's cute. I couldn't help but to admit.

My attention was pulled away when I heard giggling beside me.

Turning to Valerie I noticed her making gooey eyes at the gryffindor table.

I gasped. "You like Re—" she quickly slapped her hand across my mouth.

"Shh not so loud!" She hissed blushing brightly.

A mischievous grin crossed my face while Valerie paled at my expression.

"No! You wouldn't." She squawked.

"I wouldn't?" I grinned widely.

"Faye no!"


Third POV:

Valerie glanced at Faye and then to the boys surrounding her before snorting.

As intelligent Faye was, she could be quite an airhead when it came to love.

At the age of 14, Valerie was well aware of the looks they were both gaining. She shuddered glancing over her shoulder before rushing to the marauders.

Fanboys. She spat in disgust.

She noticed a Hufflepuff with a pink envelope looking at her then to his friends before a look of determination crossed his face.

She grabbed Faye and quickly made her way to Transfiguration.

"Remus help!" She squeaked hiding behind the sandy haired Gryffindor.

"Help from what exactly?" Remus kindly asked the beautiful black haired girl that was clinging to his robes– lightly blushing.

"Male hormones!" Valerie answered looking horrified when she realized Faye was missing.

She looked around and saw her with a third year Gryffindor.

She turned to Sirius and saw his jaw clenched and hands balled into fists as he watched the Gryffindor flirt with Faye who remained oblivious.

"Sirius!" She called out gaining his attention for a moment.

"Go save her idiot!" She egged him on watching as he marched to the duo.

She turned to James with a sly grin who groaned at her expression and handed her five galleons.

"Nice doing business with you James." She giggled while Remus and Peter shared a confused look.

Remus's face lit up and turned to the ravenette, "You planned this?" He asked incredulously.

Valerie let out a haughty laugh flicking her beautiful hair over her shoulder while her eyes gleamed with amusement.

"Payback. Besides look at them they're practically made for each other."

At her words all four of them watched Sirius scare the Gryffindor away without Faye noticing and every time she turned to him he watched her like a love sick puppy.

"I have to agree." Remus murmured watching Sirius lightly blush when Faye hugged him.

James watched happy for his best mate before thinking about his own Evans.

Peter watched enviously but smiled happy for Sirius nevertheless.

Valerie felt a tap on her shoulder and saw it was the Hufflepuff.

She braced herself to break a sweet Hufflepuff's heart which the marauders watched amused.

Faye turned to her bestie and smirked.

Payback was a bitch.

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