Chapter 3 | Hogwarts: A History

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"Hogwarts: A History"
|Don't own Harry Potter|

"Hogwarts: A History"|Don't own Harry Potter|

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Third POV:

Faye felt her hands tremble as they held something she had missed for a long time.

Her Hogwarts letter.

"Faye. Faye. Faaayyyyeee—" She snapped out of her daze and looked a Lily who waved her letter excitedly.

"We got our Hogwarts letter just like Sev said! See I told you they would come. I told you! I told you so!" She cheered prancing around the room missing the weary glances her parents shared.

Unlike her sister, Faye noticed the glance and wondered what was wrong.

Her question was answered when her father told Lily to sit down.

"Lily sit down please. It might be a prank. Oh don't cry sweetie —" her father was cut off by a knock on the door.

Lily quickly dried her tears and ran to open the door, "It must be them! Sev said a teacher would come to explain. You'll see papa, it's not a prank it's true!"

Faye slid out of her chair walking to the door with Petunia and Mum following a step behind her.

When her father opened the door her eyes widen in shock. Professor McGonagall?

Faye watched in quiet fascination when Professor McGonagall turned their dinning table into a cat before returning the table back to its original state.

Faye noticed the quiet conversation her parents were having with their eyes, unlike her sisters Faye was the most observant thanks to Moody's ruthless constant vigilance training.

Ten minutes later her father is kneeling in front of her and Lily looking serious.

"Faye. Lily. Do you want to go to Hogwarts?" His question was answered when two excited shrieks were heard. He chuckled and turned to Professor McGonagall who lightly laughed behind her hand.

"They will be attending Professor McGonagall, do you know where we'll be able to get their supplies? Do you use British pounds or some other currency? —"

While their parents questioned her. Lily tore her letter open reading the contents out loud.

Faye noticed Petunia was quiet. Faye grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes noticing the tears welling up in her eyes.

Dragging Petunia up to her room, Faye's room, Faye pulled her older sister into a hug.

"It's okay Petunia, I'm here. What's wrong?" Faye questioned holding her sister's hand.

For a moment it was silent.

"I'm going to miss you. I'm going off to college while you're going to some magical boarding school. What if you forget me like everyone else?" Petunia sobbed.

Faye huffed. "Petunia! I will never forget you, don't even think for one second I would forget you. I love you, you're my sister so don't fret. Besides who am I going to gossip about boys with?"

Petunia wiped away her tears giggling at her little sister as her strawberry blonde hair shook with every movement.

"Come here." She patted the bed. Faye complied and sat on her bed while Petunia grabbed a hair brush and hair tie.

Faye almost fell asleep when Petunia gently brushed her hair before pulling strands into a French braid.

Petunia pulled her covers up and looked out the window, it was drawing night time already.

Before she walked away a hand grabbed her skirt, "I love you big sister" Faye drowsily murmured.

Petunia felt her heart swell up. "I love you too."

She kissed her little fairy's head before walking to her own bedroom. She failed to notice the guilty looks plastered on her parents face.

They didn't mean to neglect their eldest, they were determined to fix their bond before Petunia left for college.


Looking back while holding her first child, Petunia would remember how her parents started to pay attention to her and take interest in her. She would never forget the unconditional love and faith Faye had in her.


Diagon Alley was exactly the same except there was a few stores missing replace by different ones, or was that the opposite?

Holding onto Petunia's hand, Faye pointed out interesting things to her to keep her entertained and fascinated. Faye refused to have Petunia hate magic.

A few feet in front of them was Lily and her boy toy Severus chattering excitedly and quietly between just the two of them. Faye didn't mind.

She liked being independent and being twins people tended to group them together and called them the "Evans Twins" rather than by their given names.

It was a pet peeve that Faye developed.

She was in Flourish and Blotts looking at the many shelves, instead of searching for the first year books herself. She asked the clerk nicely who kindly summoned the books and handed her the stack of first year books after paying for it.

Taking pity on her, the clerk put a featherweight charm on the books, Faye smiled brightly at the clerk thanking him before leaving.

When she looked through the stack she noticed an extra book and smiled at the title. "Hogwarts: A History."

When she went home later that day she read the book diligently remembering the memories of Hermione reading it out loud to Harry when he was in the hospital wing for being reckless as punishment. Faye wiped a tear remembering that day.

Putting the book away. She cuddled under her sheets, in less than one week she will finally be reunited with her second home.


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