Chapter Two

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Hey everyone,

Thanks for looking to read this. There are a few little notations throughout the chapter but they're there to help, hopefully. Please feel free to point out grammatical and spelling errors. I'd love to hear from anyone who is reading this so please Comment and Vote. Hope you enjoy!!!

Thanx YourSecretReader xxxx


Kristoff and Finn followed Sven through the trees down an old, overgrown path. It twisted and turned all over the place and brambles seemed to protrude across it repeatedly. It was surprising to think that Sven was not only navigating it perfectly but also that he had run down it only a moment ago and came out with not so much as a scratch on him. Yet when the two men went down this path they were consistently getting caught and snagged on the branches around the path.

Whilst pushing through a particularly thick patch of branches, a thorn branch caught onto Kristoff's face and caused Kristoff to get a deep scratch. It started at the edge of his lip going over his cheek to in line with his eye. He cried out gently, his hand going to his face over where it was scratched, as he felt it start to bleed.

"You ok?" Asked Finn

"Yeah, yeah just a scratch" he said as he wiped away a drop of blood that had dripped down his face. " Come on, we don't want to lose Sven I wouldn't like to get lost in this wood. It seems to hate humans."

About 10 minutes later, they appeared in a clearing with yet another ice lake in the middle and there in the centre, under the ice, suspended in the water, was a boy that looked about 17.

Kristoff rushed gently over to him, checking the ice as he went. He didn't want it to break underneath him for surely he would die. It was only when he came to the side of the boy, under the ice, that he noticed that the boys eyes were open. Though they looked like life was almost drained of them there was still the edge of a spark. As though life was clinging to him just about, but could leave at any second.

"Go get Elsa! We need her! Only her expertise can save him now! And be quick we don't know how long he can survive in the ice " Kristoff told Finn quickly. "I'll stay here with him. Maybe my presence will be able to convince him to hold on just that little bit longer . Now hurry, take Sven he's faster on snow than most horses."

Finn looked at him concerned. "Are you sure?"

"Yes!! Now go!!" Kristoff said shooing him away.

The concerned look still on his face, Finn obeyed his order. Jumping on the back of Sven, Finn steered him back the way they had come just moments ago. Going as fast as he could, with thorns scratching at his face and arms and clothes, Finn spurred Sven back towards Aerendelle.


Elsa danced over the ice covered floor with the eloquence of a swan on water. She was dressed in a purple dress with blue snowflakes seemingly embroidered across it, a see through silver cloak connected to the shoulders. A delicate silver crown with purple and blue gems in it, was rested on her white-blonde locks that was in a french plait at the top of her head which stopped just above her ears whilst the rest was left down to flow free in loose curls.

Anna sat on the queens throne as she watched the magnificent performance by her sister. She was clothed in a red skirt with a black and silver corset on top of a blue shirt. Her vibrant ginger hair was in a side plait that rested on her left shoulder with a very small silver tiara placed on top.

It was to this scene that Finn and Sven arrived.

Side by side they entered the room in great haste. However, quite comically, they both slipped on the ice as they came in. Finn fell to the floor on his back and Sven's legs went all over the place as he tried desperately to stay on all four feet. Both the girls tried to stifle their laughs at the sight.

Finn stood up and found his footing as Sven just about saved himself from falling over.

Elsa quickly dispersed the ice so they could proceed as before.

Finn stepped forward and bowed to the ladies.

"My Queen Elsa, Princess Anna" he humbled

"Yes sir, what is the matter?" Elsa asked

"My name is Finn, your highness, and I'm one of Kristoff's men and he wishes you to come to the ice lake. There is a problem that only you can fix."

"Is Kristoff ok??"Anna piped up, worry lacing her voice.

"He his fine, mi' lady but he does hope that Queen Elsa could come to the lake. I'll explain on the way if so"

"I will come Finn, Anna do you wish to accompany me?"

"Yes of course"

"Then let's make haste." Elsa said going to the balcony that looked over the courtyard. "Jan (the J is said as a Y so it's more like Yan), Eirik (said Airik) I need you to saddle mine and Anna's horses. It is important and we need to be quick" she called down to the two guards on duty by the gate.

"Of course Queen Elsa"

"Yes mi' lady"

Elsa turned back to Finn, Anna and Sven "Come along. They should be ready by the time we get down to the courtyard" they all followed her as she strode out of the room.

On their way to the courtyard they went and got Anna her purple cloak and black boots which she promptly put on and Finn told them the situation at the lake.

Once they did in fact arrive on the courtyard, they found Jan and Eirik in with the horses; saddled and ready to go. Elsa's horse was a very rare pure white mare ironically called Snow (Elsa was given her as a coronation present and she had already been named by her trainer) and Anna's was a young black stallion named Jasper.

"Finn you take Jasper, I'll ride Sven" Anna told him, getting a boost up from Jan and sitting on Sven's back. Elsa swung herself up on to Snow looking rightfully regal as she settled into the saddle. Finn did similar though not as regally.

"Thank you Jan, Eirik. We should be back soon keep the gate to the castle closed until I do." Elsa said then waited for their assent before tapping Snow forward. Sven and Jasper in close pursuit with Anna and Finn.

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