-Chapter Four: Eddie-

Start from the beginning

Again, nothing was there.

You turn back to the grave, but a crack in the wall catches your eye instead.

You head over to it and peer inside, realizing how dark it was.

Should you go in?

Eh, what was there to lose.

You slowly make your way through the crack in the wall, reaching the other side.

You reach a hallway and begin walking down it. The lights begin flickering, but that didn't stop you.

Anxiety started coursing through your veins again, making your hands begin to shake.

Suddenly, the hallway lights shut off and another giggle echoes through the room.

Thankfully, the lights turn back on. You sigh  in relief and continue walking, soon reaching a small room.

There was a door on the other end, but you figured you should check it out later. For now, you will examine the room.

You make your way to a small desk and notice a note written on a crumpled piece of paper.

You read, "(Y/n), I've been curious about you for a while. I wanted to meet you for a long time, so I was hoping you would make it to my floor. You wanna know something? I knew in a few seconds that I liked you. So, I arranged something special for you! A place just for you, where you can rest in peace forever."

You stare at the neat penmanship for quite a while, not sure how to react.

"Rest..forever?" you mutter, raising an eyebrow.

You place the note down and look to the side to see some sort of plans for a gravestone. The same gravestone as the one with your name on it.

You look around the room and find nothing else worth looking at. You head towards the door in the back and twist the knob.

Surprisingly, it was open. You walk down yet another hallway.

You drag your hand among the cool, brick wall as you walk. The coldest of the brick made you shiver slightly.

It was already freezing in the room, so you were grateful to have a cardigan.

Once you reach the room at the end of the hallway, the lights flicker yet again. Another giggle erupts in the room, making you furrow your eyebrows.

"Is someone there?" you question, glancing around.

The lights turn back on and return to their original state.

You look around the room and notice all the bookshelves. But what stuck out to you was the documents on the table.

You scurry over to the table and pick up the documents, scanning through them.

They all seemed to be some sort of records of people who came to this building.

One document in particular catches your eye.

Your records.

It had a picture of you in the upper right hand corner.

"It's my record..." you mutter, scanning through it.

It has your name, gender, eye color, hair color, age, basic things like that.

But it also had a small description of your past. However, parts of it were scribbled out for some reason.

You pay no mind to it.

You decided to read the parts that weren't crossed out.

"Grew up in an abusive household. Has 4 siblings: three sisters, one brother. (Y/n) (L/n) is the second oldest out of her siblings. One by one --- -------- ---- ---------- -- her parents. Once all -- --- ------- ---- ------, (Y/n) (L/n) ------ --- ------." (The lines are the parts that have been crossed out and are not readable.)

Let's Escape Together (Edward [Eddie] Mason x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now