Baby Damian

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It's been a while since I posted something and I'm very sorry for that. I hope you'll enjoy this one though. Stay safe. Xx

3rd pov

Justin loved touring, he loved seeing his fans and singing for them and watching them have fun and sing along with him, but what he loved most than his touring was his small family members

He loves his girlfriend, dearly, but he might love his baby boy, Damian a bit more, a lot more. He never knew he could love someone so much without waiting for anything in return

His baby is four months old and he's more active now that he discovered his little toes he kicks his legs and bites on his toes with his gummy mouth, and he just learned how to give sloppy open-mouth kisses

Y/n ashore him that's ok for him to go back on the road, he can't keep his fans waiting, it's their right to have him on stage after paying an amount of money

He just misses them. Three weeks on the road he learned how much he can miss his little ball of sunshine. He missed waking up before the sun comes up because his son is whimpering for his mother to feed him

He missed waking up and hearing his giggles while his girlfriend was changing his diaper and his clothes, trying to keep him distracted because he doesn't like getting changed up

He misses playing with him or having him murmur in his lap while watching TV while waiting for Y/n to finish lunch and he misses his bedtime routine as well

Y/n gets to wash his small chubby body while Justin is washing the dishes downstairs then runs up the stairs into the bathroom watching his son splash his small palm onto the water, wetting everything around, including his mother

He loves how he gets to watch him feed directly from his mother, how gentle he is with her in comparison when his small hands are grabbing onto his hair, how he gets a cuddle with his favorite little human before he falls asleep


It was after midnight when Y/n heard her phone vibrating under her pillow. She sighed and sat up pushing her hand under the pillow and taking her phone starting at contact with glossy eyes because of the light

'Hello?' She says and wipes her free hand over her eyes 'Baby it's me, can you open the door please?' Justin asked over the phone looking up at the bedroom window from outside

'What? Where are you?' She asks and he giggles 'Outside baby, come open the door for me, yeah?' He asks leaning his shoulders on the door frame and waiting for Y/n to open the door 'Alright' she says and hangs up the phone call

After a few more seconds she unlocks the door watching Justin at the front door with a bag on his shoulder smiling sweetly at her 'What a warm welcoming ' he says taking a step into the house his free hand wrapping instantly around her waist

'Sorry, just surprised ' she says and moves her hands around his torso her eyes closing when her head meets his chest 'That's ok, I'm sorry for waking you up' he says placing kisses on top of her head and the side of her forehead

'Why are you here? You were supposed to be in England ' she says ignoring him 'Missed my favorite people so I came home' he said and she nodded her head 'What about the concert?' She asked and pushed herself away watching him slide his jacket off

'The shows have been canceled. There's a virus around so every social event has been shut down ' he says and she nods 'Are you ok ?' She asks and he smiles 'I'm more than ok' he says closing the space between them and placing a kiss on her lips

'How's my tiny baby doing?' He asked and she smiled at him 'He's good, he got four shots in his legs though, he cried a lot today ' she said and Justin's smile disappeared 'Why four?' He asks 'He should have had just two then two a few days later'

'She said it's better if we do them now, so he won't get sick and she did mention some virus so I agreed ' she said 'Now let's go to bed yeah? ' she asked placing her hand under her tummy 'What's wrong? You're still hurting?' He said placing his hand on top of hers

'I got my period today and it's horrible' she whispered and he nodded his lips placed on her skin 'Is it as bad as the doctor warned you?' He asks again looking down at her 'Maybe even worse' she whimpers

'Let's get you in bed then, have a nice night's sleep, I'll make breakfast in the morning and you can rest while I handle my baby and everything that has to be done around 'I'm not dying Justin' she laughs 'Just want to take care of you'

When they got upstairs in their shared room, Justin's feet wandered into the room, his steps taking right next to Damian's bed watching his baby sleeping peacefully his small arms over his head and his legs kicked apart

'How much would you hate me if I woke him up?' He asked Y/n who was already under the covers watching him softly 'It's your kid too Justin, do whatever makes you happy' she said and closed her eyes

That was all he had to hear from her, his hands moving under Damian's neck and bum taking the baby in his arms kissing his forehead, and wrapping his hands around his body 'I missed his smell ' he whispered and then walked towards his bed and laid down with Damian on his chest

'I don't think I can be on the road without you two' he whispered his hand moving up and down Damian's back and squeezing his small arms, placing kisses on his head 'I love touring, but I'm not ready to leave home yet '

'I will miss so much if I go away. I'll miss his first word, his first step, his first real laugh, I'll miss everything and I'm afraid he won't remember me he said and made Y/n turn around facing him her hand moving on top of his, her head closed to his shoulder

'He won't forget you, baby, you're his father, he knows who you are. Yes, you'll miss a few things here and there but that doesn't mean he will forget you. It's impossible ' she says and he looks at her

'Just want to be home, watch him sleep and giggle, heck I'll even change his diaper a lot more than before' he said making Y/n laugh softly 'You did miss a few rounds of changing' she giggles

'If you want to go on Tour and live your life, I'll support you, but if you want to stay home because you aren't ready to leave his side, I'll support you just as much ' she whispered and placed a kiss on his shoulder and closed her eyes

'Thank you baby' he said and placed his free hand on her legs watching her getting comfortable under the covers

Maybe an hour later he grew tired so he picked up his baby and walked over to his crib kissing his cheeks a few more times and then put him in, placing the little cover on top of his legs

Then he took his pants and shirt off on slid under the covers himself his chest meeting Y/n's back, his hand gripping her hip, pushing his face into her neck placing a few kisses there

He can finally sleep peacefully now that he's at home, his loved ones in the same room as him

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