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'When will you leave? ' Jason asked looking at her as she sat on his kitchen counter watching him cut the vegetables

'You want me to leave?' She asked softly looking all over his face 'I guess you already know the answer ' he replies shaking his head looking down at the vegetables carefully cutting them in small pieces

'I will never read your mind without your permission ' she mumbled taking a slice of tomato and eating it while watching his every move 'If I ask you to leave will you have  where to stay ?' He asked placing the knife on the counter looking at her again

'Last time I left I got burned, you want to repeat that day?' She asked looking at him licking her finger while watching him intensely 'N-no I don't, and stop doing that for God's sake' he rumbles pushing her finger our her mouth

'Are you sure you are an angel?' He asked while rolling his eyes 'Last time I checked yes ' she said and took another slice of tomatoes 'Will you stop, I'll never finish this salad if you keep eating them' he said pushing her hand away

'Then let me help you' she said jumping down the counter and took a knife and start cutting the cucumbers adding them on the large bowl  'I feel strange around you ' he mumbled looking at the side of her face seeing a small smile creep on her face

'In a good kind of way or I want you to leave kind of way ?' She asked looking at him waiting for his answer 'I feel warm, more like at peace. I don't know if it's because of your angelic presence but yeah- that's how I feel' he said and looked away while biting his lower lip

It's strange for him to be around her. He didn't know her for a lot of time, she appeared in his living room two weeks ago after he came home from work and she had white shinny chains around her wrists

When she told him she came from above he thought she's a new neighbor and she lives the floor above him and asked her how she came in. She sighed looking at him with her big baby eyes 'Didnt you saw? You were here ' she mumbled looking at him

It took her one week to tell him her life story and how she ended up here in his house how come she doesn't have her wings, and why on Earth will someone send her directly in his house. A sinner

She explains to him why was she exiled from Heaven because of something she didn't do but she has to pay a price, so she was sent here, in his apartment, until she can go back home and live her life

Jason came home one day with his friends discussing dirty things that they do for a living and that's when she yelled at him telling him off in from of his teammates and he kicked her out

At least he tried to kick her out. The second she placed foot outside his house, her hands and legs catch on fire, it was something that shook Jason to his core and pulled her back in.

The fire was nothing like he has seen before. It was white and had steam around it making everything feel hot around him. He took her in his arms and placed her on his sofa running his palms on her cheeks

The burns went away in a few hours but they sure left something behind because of the imagines and her screaming we're still alive in his head. It was something he won't be able to forget for a while

'So who's coming ?' She asked after she finished the salad and jumped on the counter again watching him cut the potatoes 'My mom with my brother and his wife. He's my twin' he whispered and sighed

'That's beautiful. What does he do?' She asked and he looked at her raising his eyebrow 'He's a singer, and his wife is a model ' he said placing the potatoes underwater 'And my mom is a book writer ' he said suddenly afraid and ashamed

Justin Bieber ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now