I flinched at these words
*dressrosa did he mean the place where he was locked?"

Law glared at bepo to be quiet

"ahh I am sorry captain".bepo apologized

Law then left to his room and I  worried what he'd be doing and followed him to his room

"Law about what bepo told earlier was it true?"

Law couldn't hide it from me anymore and he continued
"I have to get back to doflamingo to what he did".

I couldn't say anything despite his past and just hugged him behind

"Can I come with you?I promise I won't hold you back"

"No!"he quickly replied as he turned towards me
"I don't wanna put you in danger you stay here where its safe"
he said as he rubbed my cheeks
"Its not like I am going to fight him I am just going in to gather information on the factory of smiles he has and who is selling it to

he knew it was dangerous so he docked the submarine to an island near dressrosa.....his crew was all he had left....I was a good fighter but he still didnt allow me to accompany him.....

The next day before law was going to set out he let sacchi penguin and four others a task to go fie grocery shopping....he then turned to me and told me to stay put with the rest of the crew

"I'll be back I promise"he said as he gave his pinky finger....I just gave a warm smile and said that I would be waiting

I just gave a warm smile and said that I would be waiting

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(Here you go the edited ver of the 'DEATH' tatoo )

I saw him leave with bepo on a small boat until I no longer saw them both....

Time passed penguin and the others haven't returned yet from the grocery when I suddenly heard gunshots and the rest of the crewmates who were on board screaming..I quickly grabbed my sword and ran out to figure out what was going on outside there was a navy ship although it was a bit smaller than normal navy ships....
It appeared that they had accompanied rough waters and escaped on a smaller boat...It looked quiet broken and rash and realized a celestial dragon laid down there glaring at us as if it was our fault...beside him were few strong looking navy soldiers and slaves

The celestial dragon looked at us and shouted
"Am I some kind of museum show that you guys are stating at me eh- he said as he took out his gun and started shooting,I was off guard and was shot at my thigh making I difficult to move
"the navy didn't do anything as we were pirates plus it was a celestial dragon

"STOP!!" i shouted as I tried leaping towards him while dragging my feet with a sword on my hand pointing at him

"you dare command me eh-?" He continued and pushede down I was already weakened and couldn't move much
"You over there tie her up along with the rest and blow up the ship this scum dare point a sword at me"he said as he spat on me

The rest of the crew passed out and I thought they were dead tears started rolling down my cheeks cause the people who lay down were with me just hours ago enjoying breakfast like nothing in the world bothered us

"Hmmph the rest seemed dead not like I care...I only want that girl who dare point her sword die a horrid death"

I was dragged onto the the submarine but I couldn't think anymore my friend had died and I couldn't do anything when I just realized my situation it was too late

BOOM!! it exploded only the right half of the submarine was scorged by the gunpowder that had just exploded leaving metal scraps...the celestial dragons thought I died but never knew I had fell into the sea

"That's what she deserves now carry me until we reach a restaurant"saying this he left

I was heavily injured as I drifted along the waters on a metal scrap not knowing where I was I slept away.....

Hours after what happed came sacchi penguin and the other people who went out....the condition of the ship was all messed up.....most of the crew were heavily bleeding and almost out of breath

"Treat the injured ones hurry!!penguin yelled

"where's lily!!"sacchi cried in a worried tone

They all searched about at a place and came near the part which was burned there they saw bits of my clothes that smelled of burned blood....they couldn't move or think anymore
"Oi oi oi don't joke with me what happend when we were gone who attacked the ship?"
they all started shouting trying to contact law on the den den mushi but got no reply
They just sat their,some treating wounds,some covering their ears trying to take in what happened

An hour or so later law and bepo came back...law saw the condition of the ship was in with blood on the grass

"W-what's going on here,what h-happened,is everbody all alright!?"he said in a low voice as he ran towards the submarine

The crew came out some of them were bandaged and some came out with an afraid face

''C-captain, we are all ok b-but l-l-lily was-"they all said a bit afraid

"Where is lily?!What the hell happened here!!!!

"Where is lily?!What the hell happened here!!!!

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To be continued~

Ok here you go a long chapter
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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