Chapter XXXI -?- No Exceptions

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I savor where I am and what I'm seeing. From here I can overlook every single corner of this place.

This is where I belong. Where I always belonged.

I thought I might feel strange, being here, but I don't. It feels right.

"Now that's a view." I turn around to look at the man that just entered the porch. I have to give it to him. He's gorgeous.

"I now." I say simply.

"I meant you." He looks me up and down in a seductive manner.

"I know." I smirk at him. His attempted flattering will eventually get him what he wants, but not now. Now is my moment.

"Feisty. I knew I had a good eye."

"You do, do you?" I say sarcastically.

"We both have, I guess. Of course, my Dear, you are the brain of all this operation." He kisses my cheek. "How does it feel?"

I smile sincerely. "As it should."

"Are you ready?"

"For what?" What is he talking about?

"Our wedding night." Oh yeah, today is the wedding.

"You talk like it will be the first time." We were together a lot, not that it is public knowledge.

"It's the first real time." He seems excited.

I turn to look at the view again.

"Are you having second thoughts?" He asks.

"No. Are you?" I do not hesitate before answering.

"No. We did what we needed to do." He says with determination.

"Exactly. And we got what we deserved. Finally."

"What about...?" I know he's curious about all of that. "What about her?"

"What about her?"

"Will you ever tell her the truth?"

"What for?" It seems unnecessary.

He seems to think about it.

"No special reason. I just thought that eventually you would."

"She's out of my way now. It's all I need."

"What if she doesn't stay that way."

"Then she must die." I say coldly. I will not allow anyone to stand in my way. Not again.

"You would kill her?" His tone isn't judgmental, only curious.

"Yes." I pause. "I had you kill my parents. The people that raised me. What makes you think I would spare her?"

"Point taken. Although, killing your parents was so much fun, Elizabeth. Their shock when I told them you sent me. Just amazing." There's the slightly psychopathic Edward that I like.

When he came to me in search of an alliance, I doubted him. I thought he didn't have what it takes. But he totally does, he matches me in every crazy side.

"I wish I had been there. Assisting the death of the two people that ruined my life."

"You never told me how you found out the truth." He asks.

I don't mind telling him. He might be the only one besides me that knows about this, so why stop now?

"When I was 10, I heard a conversation between my dear mother and the maid."

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