Chapter XII -D- Pancakes

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I find myself wide awake and notice that no sun is shinning thru the windows. It must be the middle of the night.

I look at my phone and it confirms my thoughts, 5:00 am, the sun didn't rise yet. What the hell am I doing up?

I am the kind of guy that sleeps in, I am not a morning person at all. So I can't understand why am I up at five am, with the same amount of energy that I never have. I can't even relate to myself right now.

I get up, no point in laying there, I feel like I'm going to explode if I stay put.

I get dress in casual clothes, when I go back to my normal life, casual clothing will be a privilege, so I better treasure these moments.

The sun is barely peeking through the sky and I feel restless. Oh damn, I'm sounding like on of those freaks that go jogging at dawn. I hate those guys.

Well...since I'm up I guess I'll go down to the beach. Not for jogging of course, but I like to watch the sea. From a safe distance.

The beach is unusually crowded, or I guess it's always like this? How the hell would I know, I'm never up this early, not by choice, and certainly not to walk around the beach.

I seat on the sand, as far away from the water as I can get and just get lost in my own thoughts.

A thud and a splash bring me back to the present. I look around and that's when I see a redhaired woman falling, continuously.

I think about going to help but I'm not generally good person and this is way too entertaining.

She makes it to dry land and seems to give up getting up, so she starts to look around, maybe she's hurt and is looking for someone to help her?

Once again, I don't really feel like going there and risking it being a sham or something like that. But then....then I see her face and got up immediately, starting to walk towards her.

I think she sees me too because she starts to frantically trying to get up but falls again and I can't help but to laugh. I look at her legs and they seem fine, no visible injuries.

She looks at me with fire in her blue eyes, "Are you going to help or just laugh like an idiot?" Ohhh...that's definitely her. Her hair is different, but I would recognize that face and sass anywhere.

"I am going to help." Her hopeful face just makes everything better. "After I'm done laughing."

She shoots daggers at me and only replies "Asshole."

"Is that really the way to treat someone that may help you."

"Yes. Although if someone would actually help me, I would probably treat them differently."


"Depending on how much time they take to do something." I smile at her and offer her my hand.

"What's wrong with your legs anyway?" I ask as she grabs my hand and tries to stand up. She's putting most of her weight on me like she doesn't now how to use them.

She looks at me and seems to be thinking about how to say something.

"I'm not used to walking." It's all she says.

"You couldn't move your legs before?" Was she in some accident?

"I can swim." Ok... For someone with so much to say she is definitely being curt on purpose. Maybe she just doesn't want to share her life story with a stranger.

"Do you remember me?"

"Should I?"

"Elizabeth, right?" She makes a pause before answering.

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