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Lucy's POV:
Hey there I'm Lucy, Lucky Lucy. God I hate that name. Its because it's actually a boring name. But that's not the only reason why I hate the it because it's not true. I'm actually quite unlucky. Funny isn't?

I'm quite popular you may say that that's lucky you know what I say to that? That's stupid I hate being popular. You know why? Cuz everyone I mean EVERYONE want to be your friend, you may think well isn't that kinda a good thing I mean I guess but the only problem with that is that there fake the only want to be friends with you (most of the time) because the they also want to be popular. It's really annoying, you know what I mean?

Another that I'm unlucky with is I'm poor I ain't got sh*t or anything. My family ain't the best either. I don't think I'll ever get a boy to like me for who I am not what I am on the outside. Does anyone know I'm saying? I'm more a nerdy type I love anime and cartoons! Are boys into girls like that? I mean there has to be some one like in this world right?

I'm in high school about to go to college so I shouldn't worry about that anymore right?

I'm always like this. I ask myself a question every day. Questioning my existence. My life. My "friends". And everything around me.

Does anyone do that too?

There I go again. Funny huh. Not. I really am an idiot haha don't you agree?. One more question do you think I'm unlucky? I do. Just the other day I heard my "friends" talk about me not so nice things and when I ask why they were saying such things, the just said it was a joke. A . Joke.

It wasn't funny.

Yet they still laughed so did I cause I thought if I laughed too I could convince myself it was funny even if it wasn't. It didn't work. In fact I think I made it worse.


Hope y'all like the first part of the story see y'all next time^^.

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