"I know that you just lost your precious mentor," Crowstar gave a purr of amusement, "And, knowing Deadeye, the ones you hold close are likely next. This path will only lead to death, and you're the one who chose it." Spottedpaw opened her mouth to object, but froze when the smoky-furred tom stalked towards her. 

     "What are you—" Her voice caught in her throat when the dead leader raised an unsheathed paw to her face, his sharp claws resting threateningly against her skin.

     "You asked for this."

     Spottedpaw jolted awake with a gasp, her claws grasping desperately at the mossy nest beneath her. The apprentice took a few deep breaths and glanced around the BlazeClan medicine den, relieved to see that she was alone aside from Blueheart soaking balls of moss in the pool. The bluish-grey medicine cat showed no sign of hearing Spottedpaw's thrashing; when she rose to her paws and slowly put her nest back together, he merely flicked an ear.

     Hesitantly, Spottedpaw moved to exit the den. A few sunrises had passed since she first arrived, and her shoulder was already healing well enough for her to be active again. She recalled Skyfeather demanding that Spottedpaw remain in the medicine den for further monitoring of the wound. I can't tell if she wants me to be careful, or if she just distrusts me that much, she thought to herself. When she emerged into the main camp, she looked around in awe.

     A massive rocky wall curved around the outskirts of the camp, as though sheltering it from harsh weather or invaders. Several rocky formations rested along the sides of the camp; brambles and leaves woven near them hinted that they must be the other dens. Along the tallest side of the camp wall was a ledge that led up the wall until it reached a thicker, sturdier ledge in front of a tiny, cave-like formation. On top of this ledge, Heatherstar stood proudly as she spoke to the gathered cats below her. The black-furred leader immediately noticed Spottedpaw's presence.

     "You're just in time for my next announcement, Spottedpaw," the leader called down, her blue eyes warm and welcoming. She turned back to the BlazeClan cats, most of whom had turned to inspect Spottedpaw curiously. "As you all know, we've been sheltering this apprentice who fled to us from the Gorge. I've given it a few sunrises of thought and, with much advice from Yellowheart and Blueheart, I have decided to continue sheltering this apprentice here in BlazeClan." Several skeptical murmurs broke out in the crowd immediately, making Spottedpaw's fur heat up self-consciously. 

     "What if it's a trick by Deadeye?" some cat called out. When cats murmured their agreement, Spottedpaw grew nervous. She wondered if there was any way she could prove that it wasn't some kind of twisted trick.

     "I'm willing to take that risk," Heatherstar responded confidently, her blue eyes flashing in the sunlight. "I'd sooner die than turn away a fellow victim of Deadeye's reign of terror. If it means feeding into one of his tricks, then so be it." Though a few cats still exchanged skeptical glances, most began to nod sympathetically. "Since this apprentice will be staying with us, she needs a mentor. Swallowclaw, since you knew both Spottedpaw and her previous mentor, you will be tasked with training her and watching over her." Once more, disagreement erupted from the cats below her.

     "He's biased!" Spottedpaw recognized Rockstorm in the crowd. Bouncepool and a light tabby she-cat nodded in agreement, their eyes defiant. "You need to choose someone who isn't likely to lie in her favor."

     "I trust her, Rockstorm," a ginger-and-white she-cat spoke up, her tail twitching. "She was at the border patrol when the Gorge first threatened us—and she did her best to hang back and not cause any issues."

     "It's true!" Firthistle spoke up, his fluffy tail sweeping the dust beneath him. "And in the battle when Heatherstorm died, she looked just as horrified and disgusted as we all felt. She's not like the rest of them." Spottedpaw shuffled her paws anxiously as discourse broke out in the crowd in the clearing. I can't even defend myself, she thought miserably. I don't blame them, but this feels so horrible. Yellowheart stepped out from behind the leader and murmured a few words in her ear; she gave him a nod and lashed her tail.

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