chapter 35

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Alec POV
Magnus insisted on helping me choose a outfit for meeting Simon's friends/maybe my new band members. He said and I quote, "clothes make the best first impression, if you look your best people like you. That's why i, Magnus Bane, am always dressed amazingly."
He luckily chose something pretty normal, black gray-ish jeans which had a chain dangling on my hip, a black t-shirt and he said i had to wear my leather jacket and black combat boots to look like a rock person. I had just raised an eyebrow in confusing at him while he rolled his eyes.
"Also i might start moving some of my clothes and Chairman meow to here is that okay?" Magnus said while he tried to tame my hair which was not working but i knew Magnus loves to touch my hair.
There was a knock on the door, which was probably Simon to come pick me up. Magnus opened the door.
"Hey Simon." Magnus said and Simon nodded at him.
"Hey you ready?" Simon said as he looked past Magnus to me, i had just put on my shoes amd i nodded.
"Yep let's go Sheldon." I said and Simon mumbled something along the lines of you're a bitch as he turned around to walk to his van.
"Alec good luck and dont be nervous." Magnus said as he pulled me closer by my hips.
"I'm not, really." I said honestly and it was the truth i wasnt nervous not even the slightest, i only was excited. Magnus smiled and kissed my on my lips softly.
"Hurry up Alec, you can fuck your boyfriend after you get back." Simon said from outside.
"Yeah yeah im on my way." I said back.
"I love you Alec, see you later." Magnus said.
"Love you, bye." I responded and i closed the door as i walked to Simon's van.

"Got you coffee from Taki's." Simon said and he gave me the cup with the hot liquid in it.
The car ride was silent the rest of the way.

"Okay Alec let me introduce you to tje others." Simon said with a smile.
"This is Ann, she's the drummer." Said Simon and he pointed at a tall latino girl with wavy hair. She smiled at me and said, "Hey."
"Hi I'm Alec." I said and she nodded.
"We know Simon couldn't stop talking about how good you can sing since he found out, plus you were kinda on the news lately." She said and i laughed nervously.
"That's funny because he never heard me sing, he only knows because of his girlfriend who is my sister." I said and Simon smiled sheepish.
"Damnit Simon!" A guy with dirty blond hair slapped Simon against the back of his head.
"Ouch." Simon whined.
"That's Patrick." Ann said gesturing to the guy with dirty blond hair.
"He plays the bass guitar." Simon added while rubbing the back of his head.
"So this is everyone?" I asked but Simon shook his head.
"No actually there is this one other guy named Bat, he is Maia's boyfriend, but something came up and he couldnt come. He joined the band recently he plays keyboard." Simon explained.
"Oh okay." I said while nodding. 
"So Alec what kind of music do you like." Ann asked as she sat down on one of the big stereos in the room and took a bite of a apple that had just seemed to appear on her hand.
"Uuh im kind of all over the place of the genres i like, pop, rock, punk, classical, i dont really care as long as i like the song." I answered, she seemed satisfied with the answer and she leaned back putting one hand besides her.
"Any favorite bands?" Patrick asked.
"Uuhm i like a lot of bands can't name them all but I'll just mention a few that come to my mind, i like Panic! At the disco, Ashes Remain, Twenty one pilots, Have Mercy and a lot more." I answered again and Patrick nodded. We talked for a little while asking each other question.

"So well now let us hear what you can do." Ann said rubbing her hands togeher excited. I was shocked i think i just hadn't realised i would have to sing for them.
"Uuh yeah sure. What do you want me to sing?" I asked while standing up.
"Maybe Sorry from nothing but thieve?" Patrick answered.
"Yeah i know that song." I answered. Simon pointed to a microphone and i walked over to there lifting the microphone up to my height.
"Sheldon, help me with the guitar." I said and i heard Patrick snicker softly.
-Anyway you can click on the song at the begin but it isnt really relevant. Also imagine Alec's singing voice as a mix between Brendon Urie, (panic at the disco)  Tyler Joseph (twenty one pilots), Patrick Stump (fall out boy) and the guy from have mercy i dont know his name-

"Damn dude you sound great!" Patrick said excited and Ann nodded. Simon looked like he had just seen a ghost.
"Bro if you decide not to join them band i will end my life." said Simon eventually.
"No pressure." Ann added with a giggle.
"Nah I'll join." I said. "If you want to have me." I added quickly.
"Yes!" Simon exclaimed loudly.
"My ears." I whined softly and he tackled me into a hug Ann and Patrick quickly joining.
"Welcome on board." Patrick said.

I opened the front door quietly, trying not to make much sound. Bat eventually showed up and we decided we should go out for dinner with the 5 of us. I had texted Magnus that i wouldnt be here for dinner and might come home late. Late was kinda an understatement. We had dinner and Simon came with the wonderful idea to go to a nearby club I forgot the name of. I, who usually wasnt a club kind of type actually agreed on going and enjoyed it. The loud music and the dancing people actually fitted my mood, upbeat, happy and slightly chaotic. It had taken me long to get home because Simon had way to many drinks and wasnt really the easiest drunk. I drove him home with his own van, i didnt even drink one glass.

The door creaked slightly as i shut it. I got rid of my shoes and jacket and then made my way through the corridor. It was 5am and i was glad that soccer season was over, yes we still have some matches and training till winter started but nothing big and we all had a week off. Starting tomorrow, uuh today. I got to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then got rid of my shirt and jeans, leaving me in my boxers. I got out of the bathroom and made my way to my room. I noticed the door of the bedroom was open slightly so i sneaked in. Magnus was snoring softly and i smiled at the sight of him sleeping. I got in bed and kissed him on his forehead softly. I layed my head dow  on the pillow and looked at Magnus face lit in the moonlight. I just couldn't believe he was my boyfriend. I still couldn't believe it.

With that thought on my mind i fell asleep.

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