Chapter 2

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Alec POV
Why is he here?!
Relax Alec, relax.
I saw Ty sitting next to Kit, Kit telling something to Ty and Ty, who was sometimes nodding and agreeing with Kit, was staring at Kit.
Ty is so obvious with his crush on Kit, I had to hold back a laugh.
"So which movie are we going to watch?" Clary asked clappig her hands together.
Ty, Kit, Mark, Magnus, Cristina, Simon and I all said at the same time, "Lord o the rings!"
Izzy mumbled something that sounded like, god the nerds have taken over and she sat down on the couch with Simon.
I went over to Ty and Kit and sat down next to Ty
"Hi guys." I said with a smile
Ty glared at me.
"Wow T-Ty what's w-wrong?" I asked him with an eyebrow raisedm
"Alec you where supposed to bring us home after practice remember? Now we had to walk." Ty growled and I laughed loudly. "I'm sorry i forgot."
"Alexander this is not funny!" Ty said hitting my shoulder.
"Oh Tiberius I t-think this is really funny."
'Oh by the Angel are we at full names now?' Kit said pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Oh shut up Christopher." Ty and me said at the same time.
Clary walked to the kitchen and came back 5 minutes later with a big bowl of popcorn and a few smaller bowls of chips.
Ty, Kit and I shared one big blanket we had the biggest couch as we were sitting on it with the 4 of us, Magnus was also sitting on this couch next to me. Kit had his legs over Ty and me practically laying on us.
Izzy and Simon had one small blanket and Izzy was cuddled up against Simon on a big arm chair.
Dru and Livvy where sitting on the ground next to each other with a blanket wrapped around their shoulders.
Mark, Cristina and Kieran where cuddled against one another and also under a blanket and on the ground.
Emma and Julian had an arm chair and also a blanket. Clary and Jace were sitting on the ground with a blanket around them. Maia rolled herself in a blanket and was being a sushi roll on a arm chair.
Clary had put on the movie and it was playing.

We all saw the first 10 minutes of the movie, when Izzy decided the movie was boring.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Izzy exclaimed excitedly. Ty and me groaned loudly.
"Alec, Ty, we are just going to play it to bad for you." She said sassy.
"Clary do you have an empty bottle?" She asked as she turned to Clary.

"Yes I'll go grab one." The red head said and she stood up and walked to the kitchen.
She came back with a empty bottle and put it on the table.
"Come one people make a cirlce around the table." Izzy said.
Everyone got out of there comfortable position and sat around the table.
"I'll start!" Izzy exclaimed and she turned the bottle.
It landed on Magnus.
Ooh Magnus, truth or dare?" She asked with a devilish look in her eyes.
'Truth, maybe next time dare." Magnus said and Izzy sighed loudly.
"Awh damn Magnus I had the perfect dare! Fine. Uuh, oh i know a question who is the worst dressed in this room?" Izzy asked.
"Oh god I'm sorry i don't want to offend anyone but, Ty sorry you are the worst dressed, black sweatpants and a oversized hoodie? Thats just not stylish." Magnus said.
"Yeah but it is comfortable.'' Ty said crossing his arms.
"So true!" Magnus said and he spinned the bottle.
It landed on Dru.
"Dru, truth or dare?" Magnus asked. I was pretty impressed about how Magnus remembered everyones name after hearing it probably time, but that's probably because I'm bad at remembering names from people i just met.
"Dare." She said confidently.
"Mmh swap your clothes with Livvy." Magnus said with a devilish smirk.
Dru who was wearing a black tshirt with a blood red hand on it and black ripped jeans had to swap clothes with Livvy who was wearing a flower dress.
"Fine, Clary where can we change?" She groanes and Livvy laughed she thought this was pretty amusing.
"You can go upstairs." Clary said.
They stood up and walked upstairs
After a few minutes they came back with their clothes swapped.
"I look disgusting and feel disgusting, no offense to your clothing style Livvy." Dru said, Livvy just shrugged. Dru gave the bottle a spim.
It landed on Kit.
"Dare!" Kit said immediately, wrong choice.
"Allow Ty to hit you hard in your face."
Dru said with a big smile.
"Are you kiddi-...'"
Kit couldn't finish his sentence because Ty already slapped him across the face.
"That felt great." Ty said with a smirk.
"Ty!" Kit sounded offended as grabbed his cheek which was turning red.
"Y-You deserved it." I said.
"For what?" Kit asked confused
"Breathing." Ty and i said at the same time and we gave each other a high five.
Kit gave the bottle a spin and it landed on me....
"Truth." I said.
"Dare it is." Kit smirked.
"Wait w-wha-..." I exclaimed but Kit interrupted.
"Kiss Magnus on the cheek." Kit said.
"M-Magnus?" I asked, does Kit know that I'm kind of attracted to Magnus or is he trying to embarrass me?
"Yep." Kit said smirking widely.
God fucking damn it.
As Magnus was sitting next to me i gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and looked down blushing. He chuckled of how awkward i was.
"Iz y-you can g-go for me."
She did that and the game went on till 1am.
I fake yawned, I wasn't tired but i wanted to go home.
"Jace, Izzy l-let's go home?" I asked.
"Alec we are staying here remember?" Izzy said. "Oh yeah right." I said.
"hen i-i am going." I stood up.

"Alec could you maybe bring Magnus home? He walked here but I think its not safe to walk home now." Clary asked me.
"S-sure. M-Magnus are you coming then?" I said and he stood up.
"Yeah, let's go."
Izzy winked at me, Ty looked at me with pitty, they can really read me to well.
"Thanks Biscuit for inviting me i really had fun tonight!" Magnus said with a smile.
"No problem you are welcome any time Mags." Clary said.
Then we walked out of the house together.
"I didn't know you would be here Alexander." Magnus said as we walked towards my car.
"S-same to you, I'm sorry again for b-bumping into you." I said.
"It was my fault anyway." Magnus said
We got into my car and i asked magnus for his address.
He told me and and we where on our way.
"By the way Alexander, how do you know Clary?" Magnus asked me.
"She's Jace h-his girlfriend. H-how do you know C-clary?" I asked back.
"My family and Clary's family were friends, but I wasn't living in New York for a few years to go study in San Francisco so I didn't see her for 4 years, but now I'm back and living here." Magnus said.
"W-were? So your family isn't f-friends with Clary's family a-anymore?" I asked. He sighed sadly

"My family is dead. But please don't give me pity, I've had enough of that. I didn't even had a good relationship with my parents." He said as he went with his hand through his hair.
"I-I....W-why not?" I asked, i was too curious i couldn't control myself.
"They threw me out and when I came out." He looked down at his lap.
"Y-you are g-gay? And because of t-that they trew you out?"
"Bisexual actually, and it was a long time ago and I got over it." Magnus said.

After a 10 minutes of total silence we arrived at his house.
"I'm sorry for talking about such a depressing thing, Alexander." Magnus said.
''I-I don't m-mind." I said.
He smiled.
"Normally I'm not so depressing. But anyway thanks for the ride and i think we will see more of each other." He said with a smile.
"Y-yeah." I said. "Bye Alexander." He said smiling.
He got out of the car and closed the car door. "B-bye Magnus." I mumbled to myself because he already left.
I drove home.

A new chapter yayy enjoy

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