Chapter 4

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Alec POV
Eventually I fell asleep.
I woke up because of a knock on my door.
"Alec, I'm coning in." Izzy said.
She opened the door and walked towards the bed and sat down.
I sat up.
"How long did i-i sleep?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.
"For like 3 hours. But Jace and I are going now." She said with a sad smile and hugged me.
"Are you going to be okay Alec?" She asked.
"O-of course." I hugged her back.
"We love you Alec." She said and I smiled into her shoulder.
"Love you too I-Izzy." I said
She let me go and we both got up and walked to the livingroom.
I hugged Jace and said goodbye to Clary and Simon.
"Alec call us if you need anything!" Jace said before grabbing his bags and walking out, Izzy hugged me for the last time and also got out with Simon and Clary helping her with all of her bags.
The door shut and I was alone.
I now realised Ty must have went home when I was sleeping.
I sighed and grabbed my phone

I had a few new messages.

One from Ty.


Sorry, that i left Kit
needed my help with something

It doesnt matter Ty

I had one from my mom


Hey Alec when are you and your siblings going to visit dad and I again? We miss you!

I'll talk to them about it when i see them again. Miss you too x

And i had one message from an unknown number.


Hey Alexander, this is Magnus. Magnus Bane. I asked Tiberius for your number i just wanted to check on you! So if there is something wrong just give me a text;)

Hey Magnus, that's nice of you but I'm fine.

I almost instantly got an reply.

That's great! So what are you up to?

Nothing much, just being a little lonely now that Izzy and Jace left.

Awh should i come over than?
Then you are not lonely anymore.

No you don't have to

I insist, see you soon!

I sighed and got up and walked to my room to change. I put on black jeans and a dark green long-sleeved shirt.

I sat down on the couch playing games on my phone.

After a while there was a knock on the door.

"Here I am for the second time this day." Magnus said smiling when i opened the door. I rolled my eyes and let him in. "So what do you want to do Alexander?" Magnus asked. "I-I was planning to watch m-movies all d-day. L-like I'm usually not free on Saturday n-normally I h-have a game."

"Oh right your a soccer player right? Which position do you play?" He asked curiously. "I'm the goal k-keeper." I said. "Nice! So what do you think about get something to eat? It's already 6pm."

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