Three Strange Yokai

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Donatello had to admit, New York was beautiful, but nothing compared to the hidden city. He had grew up in that bright and vivid place for his whole life. Now this? This city seemed to be nothing but neon lights.

This city was more weirder then he could imagine. It was filled with this weird and monotone speices that hi no mystic abilities what so ever, some even play with smoke and mirrors. Fascinating. Donnie made a mental note to write about this speices in his log after this mission was complete.

You can't imagine how excited he was to hear that his "father" was allowing him to go on his first mission "upstairs". His exact orders were "find the agent."

To be honest, he has been to New York plenty of times, but only to eat at Run Of The Mill Pizza. He really like the pizza that they served there, but now that he was getting missions up on the surface. It finally opened doors of opportunity for Donnie.

He was serious when he jumped from rooftop to rooftop; keeping their eyes open for trouble. And since nothing was happening, the mutant turned to his training.

"You must adapt to any new environment. The exercise here is to move in the shadows and you must remain unseen, while making the least noise as possible. Understood?"

"Hai sensei!"

With the use of his training, he avoided the moonlight.

A few buildings and hours later, he jumped down from a building which was close to the ground. Donnie wrapped himself in his cloak. He was now ready.

While searching for the agent, the turtle had landed in different alleys. Not immediately finding the agent, but this time he had some luck. There were prints from the agent, traced in the wet mushy dirt below his feet. As he followed them the signal gotten stronger, and there were voices, one female a few males.  We're they yokai or human?

Well the worse case scenario would be more agents. So Donatello better get this one now sooner rather than later.

Donnie reached the end of a narrow street and it opened up into a large area. He had read enough history books and human documentaries to know that this was a construction site. Humans loved to repeatedly destroy and build houses. It was strange.

Donatello scanned the area and noticed a group of people standing near. If they were humans, it was obvious that they had mistook him for a pet. As the turtle moved forward, the group had their backs to him.

The closer the Softshell had gotten, the more uncertain he was of them being humans. One was extremely tall and they were all green, humans ain't green. Donatello had stopped in his tracks, uncertain of the actions he should take next.

That's when one of them finally sensed his presence. Donnie was sure she was human, since it was the same female voice from earlier.

"Hey! Who are you?!" The human girl asked with a high - pitched tone. She swung around, making the yokai agent appear in Donnie's sights, cuddling up in the human's arms. How do he look so comfortable. The other three figures also reacted and they turned towards Donatello, confirming they were NOT humans.

They also didn't look like any other type of yokai Donatello had seen before. Their skins had varying types of green their sizes were also different. They wore some basic battle gear and headbands in distinct colors.

The bulky one with the read headband stepped up in front of the others protectively.  Maybe they were kappa? Nah. They'd have ponds on their heads. These guys look like they haven't been in the water for months.

"My friend asked you something. Who are you? And do you belong with this little guy?" The red one's voice was trying to sound tough, but it ended up wavering. After ignoring the question, Donnie turned this head to the others, they seemed pretty familiar. They clearly resembled turtles but their anatomy also looked human. But that wasn't possible, there shouldn't be someone well, like him.

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