"Does it still hurt ?" (Y/n) asked in a concerned tone, immediately retracting her hand and stepping away.

The black haired man mentally reprimanded himself for having been so careless as to express his discomfort so openly in front of his sweet sister. Now he had her even more worried. 

'Great Yuu... As if you hadn't upset her enough already...' 

The boy shook his head, both to answer his sibling and compose himself.

"No, don't worry. I'm fine." He reassured, plastering a mock smile on his bruised lips. 

However to his  greatest displeasure, the maiden saw right through his lie, as she always did. She frowned and shook her head disapprovingly, taking her his hands in her owns to inspect the wounds more closely. Her lips curved in a downward smile and a wince escaped her lips at the sight of the damaged skin. 

"Stop lying. This obviously hurts." After this statement, she let go of his fist and rummaged in her bag for some bandages and disinfectant. It had become a habit for her to carry these stuffs around wherever she went, as modelling often required her to wear high heels which often came with their fair share of blisters... 

She remembered this special shooting during which she had to wear some really high and really new stilettos and jump in front of the camera for an active shot. She also remembered crying in the changing rooms as she took off the shoes from her bleeding feet. 

A woman seemingly in her early twenties entered the dressing room, a long sigh escaping her lips as she  heavily let down her bags on the ground. Judging by her more than flattering appearance and the bags under her blue eyes, (Y/n) could only assume the girl to be a model just like herself.  The two girls both carried on getting dressed, none of them exchanging a word. (Y/n) had learned during her first modelling job that small talks wasn't really welcome in the changing rooms, even when it came to compliments.  However the silence soon collapsed when  the (h/c) haired girl let out a curse as she put on her socks, blood already piercing the cotton fabric. 

This  caught the blond female's attention as she turned her attention to the tearful girl beside her, a compassionate smile formed on her painted lips. She knew all to well what it felt like. 

She rummaged in her bags, taking out a few bandages from a yellow purse and handing  them to the younger maiden, a hint of emotions still visible in her features. 

"Take this. And make sure to have some with you next time."  

The (h/c) haired girl had accepted the bandages hesitantly, not used to the new interaction.

"Thanks." After murmuring this single word she started tending to her feet. 

"Thanks..." Yuu voiced as he observed his sister pressing a ball of cotton on his bruises, the disinfectant stinging slightly as it cleaned the tissues. "I am sorry for making you worry. "

The girl now softly put the adhesive bandage on the male's injuries before meeting his apologetic gaze. 

"Just think twice before getting involved in a fight next time." With this warning, (Y/n) rearranged her brother's collar, straightening the soft fabric before huffing loudly.

"Now I have to go back, lessons are waiting for me. Will you be ok without the nurse ?" The maiden asked, tilting her head to the side, something she unconsciously from time to time, whenever her curiosity would be picked. 

The black haired male nodded slowly, stuffing his hands in his pants pockets, a small smile curving his lips. He'd be lying if he said her consideration towards his well being didn't melt his heart. 

"I think I should be alright. Now go away, you have things to learn." Yuu replied, his lips curved in a teasing smile, blue eyes brimming with mischief. 

At this statement the maiden's (e/c) eyes rolled back in their sockets. 

"So do you. Physics lessons aren't going to fall from the sky and into your hands you know ?" She replied, the same glint in her eyes and same smile. 

At this observation the male's lips softened in an affectionate smile, heart swelling with love for his sibling, this life lasting partner in crime the universe had gifted him with.

'Yes, we truly are siblings. She is my sister.' 

However the clearer this thought grew in his mind, the more noticeable became the dull ache in his chest at the realisation that perhaps he being her brother wasn't enough. Could it be so wrong for him to crave another kind of relationship with his sister ? To crave her attention, her touch, the taste of her lips on his ? 

Could it be so wrong when she was just so beautiful, kind and overall perfect ? 

Bloody handsWhere stories live. Discover now