25 - Reality: Part Three

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Blake glares at the floor as Alice stays sat on her lap, her arms crossed. "This is wrong on so many levels." She snaps.

"Are you in pain? No, because you let -"

"You made me."

"- Carlisle give you something through injection. Were you sick? No. You can be all heroic and wallow in pain once it's worn off." Alice smiles.

Carlisle finishes dealing with Blakes hand; it's a bit of a mess, one finger in a splint, the other two taped together and her hand in a brace as he thinks the breaks went a bit lower than the fingers, but it's done for now. Alice climbs off and Blake pulls her hand close, glaring still.

"I missed you." Alice tries to say to cheer her up.

"Thats going to help cheer me up? Reminding me you left me?" Blake snaps, opening the oven to check the meat. "Emmett." She says.

Emmett pulls the roasting tray out bare handed, grinning cockiky. Blake rolls her eyes. "Thanks. I'm mad at you too, pretty boy." She snaps.

Alice whines. "Blaaaake. Come on."

"No! You don't understand how hard this is for me! I wanted to take those pills, trust me! But anytime I take anything I throw it up again. Because I can't do it, I can't help but think of the consequences!"

Alice sighs and stops her best friend from walking away, cupping her face. "I know. But there are always options. You don't have to suffer, none of us want that. We will help you with this. It was an accident." Alice says.

"Was it?"

Everyone turns to stare at Embry, his expression torn between worried an angry. Blakes heart shatters. "Yes. It was."

"Is that what you had to talk about? Did you relapse? Is that why you broke your hand?" He demands.

Blake throws the first thing she grabs at him. The heavy gravy boat smashes on the wall behind him, but he does flinch. "GET OUT!"

"Woah Woah, calm down. Embry, it was an accident." Alice says, standing between them. "I saw it, she was closing the bed of the truck but hadn't pulled her hand away fast enough. And if you saw what we had to do just to get her to let Carlisle fix the hand, you'd never ask that."

Embry sighs heavily as Blake glares. "I'm sorry... Babe, I'm sorry." He says as she storms upstairs.

"I'll clean it, don't worry." Alice says as Embry glances at the mess. He smiles small and follows Blake.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I'm worried about you, that's all." He says.

Blake glares, grabbing a dress out of her closer. "You sure have a funny way of showing it!"

"I know. I'm sorry." He says again, pulling her close.

Blake sighs heavily and covers her face with her one hand. Embry kisses her head. "I'm fine... I didn't do this on purpose. I promise." She whispers.

He strokes her hair back gently. "I know. I'm an idiot for saying that. But when you said you had to talk to me about something, I.." He sighs.

"I want to talk to you about babies. Our options. Is a baby even what you want?" She whispers.

"Of course I do. Look at me, Blake. Look at me." He tilts her head back, kissing away a tear. "I do. I really really do. But it scares me that you have to have one so bad." He admits.

She sniffles. "It's hard... We didn't get our baby. We didn't know their gender or name them. We didn't get that. And now we have half the chance of getting pregnant. And to see Emily and Sam have Kya so so easy, without even trying. And now Jared and Kim... It hurts."

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