"Who are you?!" He cried out, quite dramatically might I add. "Stranger danger! Stranger danger!" He shouted, waving his arms around as he took off towards the bedroom, I could only laugh and get up to follow him. The house phone ringing prevented me from doing so, I quickly made my way towards the phone and stopped once I read the Caller ID; Luther Hale, my hands began to tremble at the very sight of his name. I took a deep breath and picked up the phone.

"Luke speaking," 

"Lucas-" he began, and a chill rushed down my spine. "So, you think you have time to waste, huh? You pathetic child. How dare you allow the Livington Corporation to take a 40% share! You fucking idiot! You dare also give up on the Kenzington merge? I wish I was there to strangle your ass right now!" He seethed through the phone; I could hear things shattering in the background. I'm sure if I were there, he would have launched them at me. "Thank the heavens for your brother, who was at least competent enough to correct your foolish mistakes, you have one more fuck up Lucas Hale. One- fucking- more. Do I make myself clear?"

My heart was palpitating in a way it hasn't in a while, my chest was crushed, and the room seems to close in on itself. I couldn't utter a word, how could I? How dare I, when I was already near punishment enough. Who knew what he would choose for me to do, I've always known just how far his disdain for me reached, and that alone had me terrified.

"I said. Do I make myself clear, Lucas Hale?" his tone colder than ice, my teeth began to chatter.


"QUIT FUCKING STUTTERING YOU INCOMPETENT MORON AND ANSWER ME GODDAMIT!" He bellowed, nearly making me drop the phone as I flinched.

"I un-underst-st-understand, I understand, s-sir," and instantly inhaled for air towards the end, but I took in too much my nerves were a wreck, and all the air made my head delirious, I could barely make out what he last said from my heartbeat drumming in my ears. 

"Don't make me call you again, or I will personally deal with you," he grumbled before disconnecting the line. Once he did, I dropped down to my knees and onto my ass and held myself tightly. He was right, I am an idiot for allowing myself to not focus on my work, it was a stupid, stupid mistake. Goddammit Luke- why can't you ever learn? You don't deserve to be happy when you keep fucking up on the world's most basic tasks. My frustrated hands gripping at the ends of my hair and pounding on the sides of my head, as if it would set me straight. I could feel the dark cloud come around me, the vapors filling my lungs with black tears at every panicked breath, I could feel myself drowning as his words seemed to eat me alive with every wave that crashed. I was terrified that he can make that instant flight and be here in no time to reign all hell on me, but it wasn't like I didn't deserve it. I am not good enough after all, I could never amount to any of my two elder siblings, I'm simply a mistake that doesn't deserve to be here.   

"Ke," my head flinched, and my jaw shut at the distant sound that took me out of my thoughts. 

"Luke- babe, please breathe, I need you to breathe for me," I could hear Toby, but he sounded so distorted. "Don't be scared Luke, come and put your hands in mine, okay? You just need to reach out and forward," He coaxed, and my trembling hands found their way into his, the warmth of his touch had slowly melted the cold storm that consumed me. I don't deserve this.

"That's it, it's okay Luke, just listen to the sound of my voice and breathe," his voice sounding much clearer, but still maintained a gentle tone. Once my heart rate began to slow down, I pulled him into my arms, nuzzling my face into his neck and slowly breathing his soft sandalwood scent. Can't I hold onto him for just a moment longer?

"Let's wait a couple of days before we head out to town, we'll be okay with ordering takeout, and my dad will surely live another couple of days without seeing us," I simply nodded my head in agreement. One two-minute phone call had shed perhaps four years off of my life, my body felt drained but, I still had work to do, I had to get ahead and prevent something like this from happening again. I could only imagine the consequences of yet another mistake, he would probably revoke everything from me, shares, buildings, trusts, you name it, then happily give it all to my brother who is a flake. I need to hold onto what I have, at all costs.

"Want to cuddle up with some ice cream and watch a movie that'll make you cry, or laugh?" Toby asked after just about half an hour of being on the floor with me, lightly I tightened my hold on him, after failing to simply nod in agreement.

"Let's d-d-d-d-" I frowned, frustrated that I was back to being the incompetent fool my father knew I was. Toby cupped my cheeks and gave me a small but encouraging smile.

"It's alright, Luke, you can do it," 

"Let's wa-w-watch s-something funny," 

He smiled, and wiggled out of my grasp and stood, I got up with him only to feel my knees buckle. Toby quickly wrapped his arms around my middle until I regained feeling in my legs, and slowly helped me walk back to the room, rushing back out once I laid down to serve the ice cream while I picked out a movie. 

 We spent the rest of the night and the next day lying in bed, only to get up and grab the delivered food and use the bathroom. Which allowed me proper time to get at least two days' worth of paperwork done and set up next month's schedule with my secretary. The next day, we had a picnic back in our little spot of the forest, it was still a bit cold even though Spring is just a few weeks away from its' end. I was able to get more work done as well, which is a bonus and made me feel a bit more efficient than per usual, so when tomorrow finally comes, Toby and I can enjoy our day out of the house. We are currently on the couch, watching an old re-run episode of Doctor Who, one of Toby's favorite shows. Toby was laughing at the quirky remarks coming from the Doctor towards his new companion Donna, when his phone rang. 

"Hey, Dad, what's up?"

"Yeah, we're still coming tomorrow- Luke? He's right here, one sec," Toby then thrust the phone up towards me and gave it a little wiggle as his attention returned on the screen. I simply rolled my eyes and grabbed the phone from him. 

"It's Luke,"
"Hey Luke, how are you?" he chirped.

"I'm alright, just work from home, which I can't complain too much about," I shrugged as if he could see me. 

"Good, feel free to let me know, if there's anything I can do to help, speaking of, I wanted to ask you if it was okay to hand over your personal number to my brother. Not only does he want to do business with you, but he can also help you much better than I can, especially with your predicament,"

"Thankfully the predicament isn't too grand, now that I have my diploma that at least got the board of directors off my back, but feel free to hand him my business card, for business I will accept a solid business proposal via email, then we can go from there,"

"Man kid, it's stuff like this, that makes me forget you're only 20 years old,"

"I don't understand," 

"It's okay, I'll see you both tomorrow, enjoy the rest of your evening,"

"You as well,"

"G'night Dad! Love you!" Toby shouted; Joseph chuckled in response as he disconnected the line. I gave Toby his phone back and began playing with his hair, it's been nearly a week since he's styled it, which I was grateful for since his hair was deliciously thick and very soft to play with. Trying to ignore the nagging feeling I had, and the thoughts in the back of my mind that were black and green.

I hope this feeling goes away.

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