Chapter 4: 7 Minutes

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He yelled his order, waving his sword downwards as if he was executing a prisioner.


But nothing happened, not even a single round was shot, instead, one by one the soldiers kneeled, before disappearing into nothingness.

Baryl: What!? What is the meaning of t-

He coughed, blood spilling onto the ground as he left his "transformed" state.

Baryl: Ho-how.

Dahlia: Goodbye Baryl.

She put her gun to his temple, but before she could fire Selene screamed.

Selene: WAIT! I-I have what you seek.

Roberto: Wh...what...?

Baryl: Selene... you had the Skull Heart all along?

They said through pained voices.

Selene: The moment I laid eyes on it, a shadow fell across my heart. This foul thing brings only death and despair. Take it. Just let them go.

Dahlia: That's a good girl. Honor the true Contiello legacy: being pretty caged birds for the Medici.

Sienna: HEY! N-no one talks t-to a Contiello that way.

She screamed.

Dahlia: You know, it's rude to interrupt adults when they're talking.

She fired, but in that moment, Y/N finally felt himself be free from whatever force was upon him, feeling invigorated with an energy he never felt before he ran, almost immediately appearing in front of Sienna and taking the shot, a green energy surrounding him.


Was the scream that filled the halls, Roberto Cerebella Sienna and Selene screaming it while Roberto could only whisper it on the ground as life was leaving him.

Dahlia: So it's just like she said, the boy had a parasite too, too bad it doesn't matter now.

She fired two more times, Y/N finally falling to the ground as Cerebella ran to him crying out his name, Sienna being released from the traitorous maid's grip also ran and stood by his side, the tears that were flowing down her eyes after her father got shot only worsening.

Sienna: Y/N I'm sorry I'm so so sorry, please don't go.

Y/N: Sq-squigly... it's not your fault, I'm sorry...for not doing anything to help Ro-Roberto.

A searing pain filled his body, he slowly felt his own blood seeping out on the floor, the green aura that surrounded him disappearing into the air, and together with it, the power he had felt, he didn't know where it came from, although he didn't want to die not knowing at least one part of the situation that was happening, he assumed it didn't matter anymore. He was at least thankful for it's help.

Cerebella: Y/N!

Cerebella kneeled at his side, crying uncontrollably while looking at his wounds, too shocked to even say anything.

Y/N: H-Hey Be-Bella.

Hearing his weak voice only made the girl cry even harder.

Roll: Son.

Y/N: M-Mom?

He looked back at Sienna, seeing the crying girl had given way to his crying mother, she hugged him, her warmness giving no comfort for the cold that was taking over his body, his blood drenching her dress in a sickening red.

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