Table Of Contents

Start from the beginning


Chapter 5: Disaster Bisexuals In Action

A/N: Romantic again, with lots of flirting. Shinsou's a cheeky bastard in this one.

Summary: Four times Shinsou makes Izuku blush, and the one time Izuku returns the favor.


Chapter 6: Two Words For A Kiss

A/N: Romantic~. They're already dating, though, but I think the whole concept's kinda cute.

Summary: Hitoshi doesn't notice how Bakugou's little group suddenly goes quiet, because Izuku scruches up his nose in that cute way he does sometimes and reaches up to hook a hand around Hitoshi's neck, before pulling him down for a kiss. He lets go after a second, but Hitoshi blinks down at him.

Izuku sees the look he's giving him, and pouts, "What?"

"What-" Hitoshi struggles to find the words, "That was... sudden."


Chapter 7: Told By Two

A/N: Trigger warning: Mentions of suicide and self-harm. If you are sensitive towards the topics mentioned, I strongly suggest that you do not read this one shot. Platonic.

Edit: There's been a part added to this work. If you haven't read it already, I would suggest checking it out!

Summary: There are always two sides to this story: the one who falls; and the one who catches them (but when fate is cruel, the second becomes the one who mourns).

This is a story about how old wounds don't disappear by wishing them away, and that years of vitriol have consequences.

But this also the story about how Izuku Midoriya finds one person he can share his past with, and that one is enough to save him the first time.


Chapter 8: The Day of Projectile Chairs

A/N: Platonic. Also, our favorite girl Mei's here!

Summary: This is the story of how a tiny group of four decide to take advantage of the main cavalry running off to the U.S.J and break into the main school building, when a tired boy too curious for his own good, a quirkless kid who just has to get involved in every mess he sees, and an inventor who was only trying to get back to her workshop stop them.


Chapter 9: The Day of All Might Merch

A/N: Platonic. Takes place in the same timeline as 'The Day of Projectile Chairs', just a bit later.

Summary: Hitoshi should have considered that when it comes to him and his two idiot friends, even a grocery store run was bound to go wrong.


Chapter 10: Hoodie Thief

A/N: Romantic~. Just a sweet short something ;)

Summary: Izuku stole Shinsou hoodie, but it only becomes a problem when he procrastinates on giving it back.


Chapter 11: We Looped Right Back to Rock Bottom

A/N: Platonic and long

Summary: "I would pass these forms out, but I know you all want to be heroes!"

Hitoshi's not even listening at this point. The whole day has been like a bad case of deja vu, except worse, because he actually did live this yesterday. They've done the same work in class, Hitoshi has caught snippets of conversations that he caught snippets of yesterday, word for word. Bakugou does the same thing he did yesterday, where he knocks Midoriya's lunch out of his hand just as the green-haired boy tries to scamper out of the classroom to avoid the very thing from happening.

And now their teacher is ignoring the mess he's made by mentioning that the quirkless kid and the kid with the villainous quirk want to join U.A.

It's- is he really stuck in a time loop? Is that what this is?


Chapter 12: And We Pick Up The Pieces

A/N: Part 2 of 'We Looped Right Back to Rock Bottom'. Continues to be platonic, but with many hurt/comfort cuddles as a special treat ;). 

Summary: "You were there too?"

He prays Midoriya will say no. Prays that Midoriya will tell him that it was only Hitoshi who got hit by that stupid quirk and it wasn't him living the life of someone quirkless. Wasn't Midoriya who was beaten down and mocked, told to jump off the roof, told-

"Not in yours."

Hitoshi let's out a breath but then the words register in his head, "Mine?"

"Yeah. We saw-" a shuddering breath. Voice shaky, falling apart, "We saw different things."


Chapter 13: Just a Little Addiction

A/N: Inspired by Symbiotic Quirks by Ravennest on AO3. If you have the time, go check them out! Very romantic, and thing def get a little steamy ;)

Summary: Izuku shivers under him, eyes fixed on Hitoshi, all but looking up at Hitoshi like he's looking up at some impossible mythical being instead of a plain old human. It's intoxicating, having this sort of attention from Izuku, like Hitoshi is something so beautiful that Izuku can't take his eyes off of him. Their classmates like to joke that you're not really a member of class 1-A until you've had your quirk analyzed by Midoriya, and Shinsou had never felt that more viscerally until he'd had a taste of Izuku's attention himself the first time. Until it had been him, under the gaze of Izuku's quirk, made powerful by Izuku's words as the boy couldn't stop gushing about his quirk.

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