Ch1: Entrance Exam Mishap

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Shinsou looks up at the monstrosity of a 0-pointer as a stab of panic cuts through him.

"We have to stop that thing."

He says this quietly to himself, as a thought said out-loud by accident rather than, say, a command. It doesn't matter though, because Shinsou is too late to realise that the boy, the boy under his quirk, heard him when he wasn't supposed to, and took it as an order anyways.

Shinsou stumbles forward as the boy leaps past him and into the air, and Shinsou can only watch in fascinated horror as the boy flies higher and higher and subsequently punches the robot head on. And then, if that wasn't enough, the robot crumples inwards and then back, no longer a danger to the girl, but the boy is falling down, down, down...


'This is it, this is how I die,' the boy lets out a quiet huff of breath as he stares up at the gates of U.A, 'Here lies Shinsou Hitoshi. Cause of death? Fucking anxiety.'

To be fair though, Shinsou thinks he's doing a fair enough job in keeping himself from kneeling over and curling up in a ball of panic. Sure, his heart is thundering in his chest and his breathing is a little irregular, but you can't blame him for that, okay? Today happens to be a very important day for him. If he manages to score well enough in this entrance exam, he could get into U.A.'s hero course. That in itself is no small feat, but for Shinsou it also means that all the people in his life who've looked at his quirk and told him it made him a villain: they'll be wrong. They'll be wrong because it's with his quirk that he's going to get into the hero course, no matter what anyone says, and he'll show the world that even a person like him with a quirk like his can become a hero.

So he takes a deep breath and takes his first step towards the place that will help him achieve his dream.


Shinsou thought that after all this time, after all the torment that world has put him through, that maybe he could finally catch a break.

He can only imagine that fate is cackling at his naivety. He hears explosions in the distance that only serve to remind him of the fact that in a point based exam, where the more points you have the larger your chance is of getting a good placement, he has yet to collect a single point.

Okay, maybe that's not exactly accurate and he's probably scavenged some points by scrambling the feeble remains of some half destroyed robots that the other examinees couldn't bother to finish, but still. The question that it always boils back down to: is it enough?

He knows the answer is no.

He can't help but blame himself for this. He honestly should have known better, you know? When his whole life he's seen the discrimination against quirks that aren't showy or flashy, quirks like his (thanks), why did he think that U.A. would be any different? Why did he think that this exam would actually be fair in any way at all? He should have expected this, he shouldn't have applied straight for the hero course in the first place and should've just stuck with Gen-Ed, why is he even here-?

His train of thought is temporarily derailed when he runs around the corner in time to watch one of his fellow examinees take down a 1-pointer with a swift kick to its head. Shinsou remembers seeing this kid before. He was the poor soul who was called out in the assembly for mumbling too loudly to himself. Who would've thought that the anxious kid who had immediately hunkered down in his seat and whispered an apology was the same one Shinsou has now seen taking robots down with practiced ease. It very much looked like the kid had some sort of speed or strength enhancement quirk that manifested itself in form of green energy cackling around the boy. In other words, the kind of quirk this exam fell over itself to cater to.

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