Table Of Contents

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Chapter 1: Entrance Exam Mishap

A/N: Mostly just platonic. I first time meeting and the disaster that follows.

Summary: Shinsou looks up at the monstrosity of a 0-pointer as a stab of panic cuts through him.

"We have to stop that thing."

He says this quietly to himself, as a thought said out-loud by accident rather than, say, a command. It doesn't matter though, because Shinsou is too late to realise that the boy, the boy under his quirk, heard him when he wasn't supposed to, and took it as an order anyways.

Shinsou stumbles forward as the boy leaps past him and into the air, and Shinsou can only watch in fascinated horror as the boy flies higher and higher and subsequently punches the robot head on. And then, if that wasn't enough, the robot crumples inwards and then back, no longer a danger to the girl, but the boy is falling down, down, down...


Chapter 2: The Terrible Habit Of Bonding Over Hospital Visits

A/N: Part 2 of Entrance Exam Mishap. Again, platonic, but we get hugs this time.

Summary: And because Shinsou is stupid, he lets go. Shigaraki blinks and then scowls, "You bastard-"

"It's time we take our leave Shigaraki." And Shinsou thinks, 'Yes please listen to mist man and don't kill us.'

Shigaraki's scowl only deepens though. "You brats aren't worth my time. Nomu! Get the purple one."

And oh, the Nomu charges forward, but Midoriya's brain has perhaps caught up with the situation, because when the Nomu reaches for Shinsou, Midoriya levels a punch at the Nomu's stomach.

Nothing happens.


Chapter 3: What's Your Quirk? (What Are You Worth?)

A/N: Mostly platonic. But it's very easy to imagine that the two at the very least have a crush on each other (and since I'm the author I can confirm that they very much do), it's just that they don't act on said crushes.

Summary: And Izuku, oh, he just smiles sadly at Shinsou, "I never had a quirk in the first place Hitoshi."

"You-" and all Shinsou can think is that, 'he must be in denial or something, he shouldn't have to go through this, he shouldn't-'

"I never meant to lie to you. I never meant to lie to anybody. But- no one gives the time of day to a quirkless nobody and I- I didn't want to be that anymore."

Shinsou's voice is a hushed and broken whisper, "I would. I would have given you the time of day."

There are tears in both their eyes, "I know. But- I-"

And it hurts, it hurts because- "You never told me. You lied to me."

"I'm sorry." Izuku whispers.

Shinsou gets up and leaves the room.


Chapter 4: The Song Of Our Hearts

A/N: Definitely romantic, with what the little ending scene. I suppose this would be the first piece where we go beyond hugs.

Summary: Hitoshi has spent a long-time learning Izuku's song.

He can hear it now, with his arms circled around Izuku and Izuku's hand pressed against his cheek, how it thrums with such vibrancy and life. It may be biased to say this, since he hasn't heard a lot of soul songs in his life without a quirk like Izuku's, but he's sure that Izuku's song is the most beautiful he'll ever hear.

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