Epilogue: How it all Ended?

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This book is for the contest of Rainbowusers: Rainbowusers

Author's View:

Gabriel left from the office building and drove angrily towards the Cliff where he used to go when he felt sad, angry, guilty or any other emotions that made his heart heavy. He sat down on the big rock and kept his gaze towards the clear water flowing down, seeing that water some emotions broke inside him. Soon, tears started to come out of his eyes as he broke down without anyone knowing it.

On the other hand...

Zoe was still in his office crying but after a certain time she broke down and fell down onto her knees crying her heart out due to the pain she was feeling inside her heart. She wasn't even given a chance to give her side of reasoning to the accusing to the things she hasn't even done.

Flashback to few hours ago:

Zoe was feeling nauseous from few days and also her body was feeling tired. She wanted to always sleep for hours and do nothing, but she can't ignore her job being a doctor and her promise to help her patients.

She then got dressed to leave for her clinic, suppressing the feelings of throwing up again. She fixed her hairs and then bend down to just strap the belts of her wedge heels but then again she felt bile rising up her throat as she hurriedly strapped her heels and ran towards the toilet and threw up again.

But it was different this time, there was a little blood mixed with her vomit and she got tensed seeing it.

She then thought to make a visit to the doctor in the hospital, and take a check up too see what's the issue.

She hurriedly rinsed and brushed again and left for her work. Getting inside the car she drove towards the hospital in a hurry to be on time for her tend the patient who was suffering from anxiety.

Also, keeping a thing in mind that she even have to take a visit to the doctor herself.

She reached the peach colored buliding after driving for 10 minutes and parked her car at her usual spot.

She then proceeded to go inside and take her check up with the Gynaecologist who was on 3rd Floor and her clinic being on 5th Floor. She had already given a call to Dr. Santiago.

Dr. Callum David Santiago was a skilled Gynaecologist in the hospital and her best friend from the Medical college she attended. Both have been friends of 6 years.

She entered his cabin after knocking and alerting the doctor who awaited her presence, since he arrived.

After entering they talked a little and she told him the symptoms she was having from a week straight. He told her to take some tests and told her to get back to her work and he will get her test results after an hour or so.

She got back to work but her body was getting tired due to work and feeling stressed for her awaited results.

After completing her work she hurriedly walked towards Callum's cabin. After she sat down in front of him waiting for him to tell her of her results.

"What's in the test Cal?" asked Zoe fearfully when she saw no expression on Callum's face.

"Congratulations, You're two weeks pregnant Zoe." Callum said with a smile stretching in his face and his eyes showing happiness.

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