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This is short story return for a contest organized by Rainbowusers

Author's View:

Happiness and Laughter was etched in the atmosphere as today was the engagement of the Hot Billionaire Bachelor Gabriel Xanders. And his fiance was also a known as being the best doctor in London.

They both were standing in the middle of the crowd happy smile plastered on their faces as they exchanged the rings and made their relationship official to the whole world. Claps and Cheers echoed through the hall witnessing their never ending love.

They then sealed their relationship with a passionate abd love filled kiss. Both of their families were happy due to all the events they were witnessing through their eyes.

"Come on! Let's have their first dance as couple." said Zara Thorn, Zoe's mother to which Violet Xanders, Gabriel's mother also agreed. Soon, the song 'Capital Letters' started to play and they both came forward in the middle and started to dance lost in each other, without caring anyone's gazes lingering upon them.

Gabriel's left arm was around Zoe's waist and his other hand holding her hand fingers interwined together. Zoe's right hand was placed on Gabriel's chest as they swayed.

Everything seemed happy but sometimes happiness doesn't last long due to the misunderstandings?


"What is this Zoe!?" Gabriel hissed slipping the photos and his Ipad towards a distressed Zoe who was fidgeting to herself and looking at anywhere but him.

"Answer me dammit!" He shouted at her, making her flinch back in fear. Yes, she feared jim due to an unknown reason.

"I- I don't know w-what are you talk-talking about." She whispered in low voice with fear evident in her tone. A loud bang echoed through the room as Gabriel banged his fist against the wooden table. At this point, tears had filled Zoe's eyes and were ready to fall down.

"The hell you don't! You know everything and you're clearly lying to me! Do you know that the media is pressurizing me for the answers of your deeds!" he yelled loudly his voice making the tears fall from Zoe's eyes and flow down her cheeks as she lifted her gaze towards him and again shook her head indicating that she is telling him the truth. But, Gabriel's rage surpassed its limit and the next words that came out of his mouth shattered all the hopes within Zoe's trust and her heart.

"Fine then! If you want to whore around and then deny it, I guess we should cancel our engagement then!" He spitted and stood straight making Zoe also stand up in surprise, yet hurt evident in her eyes. "You have one two hours to yourself for packing your bags and leave my house. I don't ever want to keep myself engaged to some slut, who can't keep her legs closed." He grimaced in disgust and then left the office leaving in rage and anger, without even listening to the things Zoe wanted to tell him.

One misunderstanding was enough for Gabriel to misjudge the situation and him taking the hefty mistake in his life. What will happen now?


Gabriel came forward his clothes a little disheveled due to all the events happened within the day. He stood there before Zoe with a blank look on his face, not a single emotion shinning in his eyes.
He took out his check book and signed a blank check tearing it from the book. He then kept it on the table and lifted his cold emotionless eyes to look at Zoe.

"Take it! You know for the payment of being my fiance and don't worry you can fill it with the amount you desire. I won't mind spending some of my pennies on a whore like you." he said coldly, a look of disgust crossing his features. Zoe's eyes was closed due to her heart being tearing into pieces, and her also due to the tears that were sliding occasionally from the corners of her eyes. She is quick to wipe it but they always keep falling, like water flowing from the tap.

"I don't want it, Rie- I mean Mr. Xanders. I wouldn't need anything after this." She smiled even through from inside her heart was squeezing itself in pain and stress taking over her body.

"Um- Can I hug you for the last time atleast?" she asked in a low voice, her voice breaking in the end. Even though she knew what would be his answer and it got confirmed when the next words came out of his mouth.

"I don't want a slut touching me in anyways!" He hissed at her to which she nodded her head. Then, too she kept that smile filled with love and pain on her face visible. Gabriel wasn't even fazed by it.

"Goodbye Gabriel. Remember I love you even if you don't want my reasons. I only want one thing from you, Can you promise to do that?" She asked and something inside Gabriel made him nod his head even without thinking. Zoe took out an envelope from her bag and kept it on the table. Gabriel's name written on it.

"Please read this when you get a call from certain someone. Please it's a last request from me." She pleaded and soon turned around and left from there.

A Chain of Error that has caused this was soon to be revealed. But what was in that letter that?


So, its the prologue of this short story.

Chapter One will be coming on Wednesday at 6 pm IST.

Stay tuned till then.

Next part is the cast of the Story.

Also, you know the drill, Comment, vote and follow for more. Ily✨

See you in next update.

Chain of Errors {Short Story}✔️Where stories live. Discover now