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*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞)


"I will see you around bro,  I must come to see that girl of yours." Mwaura said then winked.

Since there was no more reason to hide from Sly and Mwikali, I gave Edwin my address and then he left. I drove back home and true to my words, one would think Lucy and I were one happy couple.
We had grown fond of each other with the help of Viola bonding us until we got to a point that I would often sleepover at her house. The craziest bit of it all was that we even shared the same bed the three of us and not even a single day did I find myself undressing Lucy or even thinking about it.

She was an amazing friend whom I could not afford losing and from my past experience I knew getting intimate with her would end up ruining the great friendship we had. On weekends we used to take Viola out together until one day Viola approached me during dinner and asked;

"Uncle Ham, do you love my mummy?"

Her question came as a surprise for me, I never expected that she was so observant and would have the guts to ask me that.

"Your mummy is just but a good friend of mine dear." I replied smiling then winked at Lucy.

"But don't you think you should marry her and become my daddy? I really would like you to be my daddy." Viola then said.

I just looked up and stared at Lucy in disbelieve. Lucy blushed and looked away laughing then I looked at Viola wondering what to tell her. I just changed the topic and acted like I had not heard her last statement. Since that day, I was always cautious with Viola but always treated her like my own daughter.

I slept in Lucy's house that night and every time I slept there, she would do my laundry after I went to work. In the morning, I woke up early so that I would go to work and found that Lucy was already awake; she was preparing breakfast so I left her in the kitchen and went to my house to get ready for work since the clothes I was to wear were in my house.
Immediately I walked out of the door, I saw a guy standing outside my doorstep.

"Hey, who are you and what do you want at my door?" I asked.

"Sir, are you Mr. Haman?" The guy asked.

"Yes, how may I help you?" I replied.

"Madam Mwikali sent me to bring you this." He said as he gave me an envelope.

"What is this and how did you know where I stay?" I asked as I opened the envelope.

"Mr. Edwin gave me your address then when I got here, I asked around where you stay and I was directed here sir." He replied.

I found a document inside the envelope and when I took it out, I found that it was a new contract offer from Bentey Company. I was being offered a new contract with double the salary I was getting but I was not interested in the offer. The guy then handed me some car keys and said;

"She also asked me to give you this."

I placed the contract offer back into the envelope and gave it back to the guy then said;

"Go tell her that I am no longer interested in working at Bentey and I also don't need the car, I have mine."

I then left him standing there and walked into my house. Definitely, Mwikali had started seeing the impact of me resigning because she thought that I was there in that office as her pet.
What she did not know was that I had built a foundation in that office which she broke before it was firm enough when she made me resign.

I went to work and the day went just normal as usual then when I came home from work, I found Mwikali and Teyie waiting outside the gate to my apartment.

"Good evening sir, to what do I owe this visit?" I asked Teyie and assumed Mwikali.

"We need to talk Ham. Can we come in please?" He replied politely.

I welcomed them to the house and we all sat at the sitting room; I served them both a glass of juice each.

"Let me begin by saying that I am so sorry, I was not informed that you resigned. I came asking for you yesterday only to be told that you resigned several days ago." Teyie said.

"There is nothing to apologize about sir, I just felt not fit to work for Bentey." I replied.

"Haman, the company is on the verge of collapsing. I don't know the magic you were doing in that office of yours but ever since you left, nobody is seeking for our products. Whatever terms you have shall be granted, just come back to Bentey please." Teyie pleaded.

"Am sorry Mr. Teyie but it is already too late. All I asked for was a conducive working environment but what I got instead was hostility. I have already invested in another business and am sorry I cannot forsake my business to come back to Bentey. You are a business man sir, you know what it means to have a business that you are tied to." I replied politely.

"Can I speak to him only the two of us dear?" Mwikali then asked Teyie.

Teyie excused himself and walked out leaving Mwikali and I all alone in the house.

"Nothing you will say will change my mind so don't even waste your time." I said immediately Teyie walked out.

"I am not here to beg you to come back Haman, I am here to apologize. I treated you badly yet there was no wrong you had done, that was my bad. I took out my anger and frustration on you and refused to swallow my ego to apologize to you; now it is costing the company. Ham, the reason why I reacted the way I reacted was due to depression. The baby I am carrying is yours and not Teyie's so I thought that breaking the ties between us would make you stay away from me so that Teyie would never suspect that we used to sleep together but I thought wrong dear." She said desperately...

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Continues in the next Episode.

©Author George Haman

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