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*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞)


"Well, sis I guess you have been saved the trouble of taking us home; uncle Ham will give us a ride up to the doorstep." Lucy said excitedly.

"Mummy, can I go with uncle Ham to his car?" Viola asked with her usual pleading eyes.

"What of your doll sweetheart?" Lucy asked.

"But mummy, you can go and pick it for me please." Viola replied pleading.

Lucy just smiled then together with Justina they proceeded towards the reception and I was left with Viola.

We then went to wait for them in the car. Ten minutes later, Viola and Lucy bided Justina goodbye and we drove off headed to our apartment. Lucy sat in the front seat and Viola sat behind, in between the two front seats.

As we drove home, we had a friendly conversation with Lucy and I got to know her more and even I learnt that she was a single mum.
She was an amazing lady who was still young and beautiful. She had a very cute little girl whom just made me grow a strong bond towards her. The kid was smart and a quick learner, she would even make me wonder how she knew some of the things she used to tell me.

After we got to the apartment, Lucy and Viola went ahead to their house then I went to park the car and went ahead to my room. While we were on the way home, Viola had asked me why I never went for dinner the previous night after she invited me but to blind her, I promised to go for lunch instead. At noon, she came for me and asked me to join her and her mum for lunch, I had to honor my promise.

I was mesmerized when I walked into their house. It was well arranged, fully equipped and had a very beautiful colour scheme; everything was in order despite having a toddler in the house, I felt challenged.
The curtains blended so well with the walls and the flowers on the tables and wall unit were similar to those drawn on the curtains. Her decor blended with the carpet on the floor; the house was really outstanding.

We all sat at the dinning table and I sat directly opposite Lucy. She would often stare at me with her beautiful well-rounded eyes until I blushed and kept my head facing down until we finished our meal.

As usual, Viola and I later went out to play and we were joined by two other neighbouring kids. We played different games and for the first time, Lucy joined us as well after she was done with the house chores. We had fun until it was late then we all went to our respective houses.

Since that day, we began sharing meals often and I even grew a more stronger bond with Viola. I would spend almost all my free time with her and then most dinners we would eat together; either in their house or in my house.

This went on for three months but funny enough, I was very close with Lucy and she would even come to my room but nothing ever happened between me and her, we were just but good friends.

One morning, Mwikali came to work wearing tight cloths and I realized that her tummy was bigger.

At first I thought that she was growing a potty but later on I realized that she was pregnant. I got upset that she had not informed me that she was pregnant so  I paid her a surprise visit in the office and asked;

"How old is the pregnancy?"

I did not even greet her, I just opened the door, got in and locked it from inside then went straight to the point.

"Five months." She said.

"Five months and you cannot tell me that we bore fruits?" I asked sounding angry.

"We slept together four months ago dear, not five. Even before I slept with you at the hotel, I was a month pregnant, it is Teyie's." She replied calmly.

I sighed heavily as I felt relieved since I thought that it was my kid that she was carrying. The last time we were together, we had used no protection and all the four rounds we went, I had deposited inside her. I had began wondering what would happen once Teyie discovered that his fiancee was pregnant for me.

Due to the pregnancy, Teyie began spending more time with Mwikali and he could often come to see her in the office hence I could only see her at work and on official matters only. Even though, I also began becoming less into Sly like I used to be.

She noted that I had stopped being friendly like I used to be when she was new and in the office, I was ever busy behind my computer doing my job. She tried wearing the provocative dresses which used to make me stare at her but I still paid no attention to her.

"Sir, did I offend you?" She asked me after I went back to my office from Mwikali's office.

"No Sly, why do you think so?" I replied calmly.

"It's that these days I don't see you happy like you used to be before." She said shyly.

"It's work which has become much dear. You look so beautiful by the way." I said then walked to my desk and left her blushing due to my compliment.

She began wearing mini skirts and mini dresses but I would notice her then pretend not to have noticed how sexy she looked. I would compliment her when she least expected hence I became unpredictable. She began wearing even shorter dresses whenever I went for weekend shifts when work was too much.

One Saturday afternoon I left her in the office and went to take my lunch. She was wearing a tight black mini skirt which exposed three quarters of her thighs when she sat down. After taking my lunch, I went back to the office thinking that she too had gone for lunch and something I did not expect to happen did happen.

Sly was still in the office when I came back from lunch; she had not gone for lunch. Immediately I walked into the office, she got up from her desk and locked the door then came to my desk and sat on the desk facing me with one leg hanging; one would think that it was my wife seated there and my secretary.

I was seated on my chair hence from the angel where she sat, I was in a compromised position; I could see even the underliner she was wearing.

She was seated on the left side of my seat with her left leg hanging on the desk and her right leg stepping the floor. I just stared at her cute brown thighs admiring them all the way in and felt like pinning her on the desk right where she was. She had a soft and tender skin and her thighs were life a soft mattress; I could only imagine myself in between those two legs.

"What are you doing Sly?" I asked pretending to be serious...

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Continues in the next Episode.

©Author George Haman

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