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*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞)


"Hey brother, long time no see." He said as he anxiously waited to shake my hand.

We shook hands then walked in and as usual, he gave me a glass of wine as we chatted on what was new.

I could not ask him directly where the Range Rover was since he would get suspicious so I took my phone and tried to figure out where it was from the images recorded by the camera. I could see it was somewhere a bit dark and there was a wall in front of it so I guessed that he had parked it either in a garage or a special parking house.

"You never told me that you bought a car!" Mwaura said after a moment of silence.

"I just got so held up at work, such that I even forgot to tell you bro. Talking of which, Teyie has a garage where he parks some of his cars?" I asked trying not to sound curious.

"Yes he does, you wanna see it?" Mwaura asked.

"Yes I do." I replied.

Mwaura then took the garage keys and took me to the garage; the Range Rover was parked beside Teyie's favorite car, an Audi convertible.
I began walking towards the Range Rover like someone who was admiring it and was about to go to the rear and pluck off the camera when I heard someone ask;

"What are you doing in my garage?" It was Teyie's voice.

"I just came to show him the garage brother." Mwaura replied.

Teyie had not seen Mwaura since he was standing at the corner, after Mwaura spoke on my behalf, he just walked away and left us in the garage. Mwaura was busy telling me the features of the two cars and how he used to drive them when Teyie was away but my focus was in the Range. I quickly took off my camera then pretended how I was paying attention to his narration about the cars.

After he was done, we went back to the house and met Mwikali seated in the sitting room. She stared at me wondering what I had come to do at Teyie's place but I went ahead and greeted her just like an employee greets his boss.
Edwin began talking about work then Mwikali brought up the issue of sharing my office with my secretary; I could see Edwin paying so much attention on that topic.

"Why do you want your office expanded or divided?" She asked.

"I just want to have some privacy as I do my work; it is not in order working in the same office with my secretary." I replied.

"But I see no big deal in that! Everybody has a separate desk which is located separate from the other's." Mwikali said.

"Sis, I think Ham has a point. The secretary should not work in the same office as her boss." Edwin said.

I knew Mwaura was pushing for my agenda so that I could not be tempted to sleep with Sly, what he did not know was that I slept at her place.

"It will cost the company to do an expansion and right now we are trying to cut off all unnecessary costs. I am sorry Haman but you will have to get used to working that way." Mwikali replied then got up and walked away.

I realized that Mwikali had changed and she began seeing me just like any other employee. I got upset and left without saying goodbye but assumed that maybe it was the pregnancy making her be rude. That evening, I was not in my good moods so I evaded Viola and her mum, I went straight to bed.

The following day I woke up late despite being on a Monday and decided not to go to work, instead I went to see Viola. As usual, she had missed playing with me so we went to our usual playing spot and began playing; I left my phone in their house.

After about an hour, Lucy brought the phone to me and told me that someone was calling; it was Sly. Instead of calling her back, I just kept the phone in the pocket and we continued playing with Viola.
Just then it began ringing again; this time round it was Mwikali calling.

"What the hell do you think you are doing Haman? Where are you?" She asked rudely after I took the call.

I got shocked by her reaction and wondered what to answer, I could not believe it was the Mwikali I used to go out with. I just hanged up the call and switched off the phone; she had ruined mood. I took Viola back to the house and as I placed her on the seat, Lucy noted that I was angry.

"What's wrong Ham? Did she upset you?" Lucy asked pointing at Viola.

"No, just someone ruined my moods dear but I will be fine." I replied.

Lucy stopped what she was doing then came and gave me a tight hug. In her arms I felt relieved and all the anger melted away. She then gave me a peck and held my hands looking at me in the eyes; Viola on the other hand was imitating her mum by hugging my legs.

I could see in her eyes that she had feelings for me but she did not know how to say it out. I gently placed my right hand around her waist, bent towards her lips and kissed her. She gently closed her eyes as I kissed her lips but I quickly withdrew before she could kiss me back and said;

"I will be back dear."

I did not even look at her reaction, I left immediately and went to my house. I did not want to break my friendship with Lucy so I was avoiding getting intimate with her.  I locked myself up in the bedroom and began drafting a resignation letter.

After it was done, I prepared dressed up in my favorite suit, took my briefcase like someone going to a summit and left. I drove to the company and as I walked through the reception, Immaculate told me that Mwikali wanted to see me in her office right away. I ignored her and walked to my office and sat on my seat placing my right leg on top of the desk.

Sly tried to inquire where I was and why I was late but I answered her rudely until she just walked out of the office. She must have gone to report to Mwikali that I had arrived because five minutes after she walked out, Mwikali walked in fuming with anger...

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Continues in the next Episode.

©Author George Haman

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