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*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞)


She just smiled back, closed my laptop and began massaging my shoulders gently then said;

"My dear, you need to rest, tomorrow is also a day and I promise, I will do whatever it takes to help you out."

Lucy just made me forget all my sorrows and see a brighter side of life ahead of me. I slowly turned towards her and said;

"You remind me of a girl I loved so much."

"Tell me about her." She said looking into my eyes with her gorgeous, glowing, innocent eyes.

"Are you sure you want to hear about her?" I asked smiling lightly.

"Yes dear, I really do." She replied excitedly.

Before I could respond to her request, I received a mysterious call.My instincts told me that it was either Mwikali or Silvia calling; I just rejected the call then switched off the phone and began narrating the story of a girl I used to love.

"Her name was Christina and I loved her so much. It happened that one day, I was with her in her house when her father came to visit in company of her childhood friends, a guy and his sister. I had met the father earlier and it was not easy then he returned abruptly with the two family friends; I had to hide.
The dad left the two friends in the house and went back to work then the sister to the guy decided to go and see her boyfriend since she had a chance; I was hiding in her bedroom beneath the bed. The guy was left alone with Christina and that was when all the trouble began.
As I was under the bed, I heard her argue with him about a stupid promise she made to him when they were kids and he wanted to force her to honour it but she insisted that it was just a childish silly thing. The guy decided to have her by force and that was when I got angry, rushed out of the bed and as I struggled with him, I accidentally hit his head on the wall and he collapsed. Out of fear and tension, I asked Christina we run away but she chose to stay and clean up the mess. As I was running away, I got an accident; I was hit by a car and while recovering, that's when I got the news that Christina had been shot by a crocked policeman; I never saw her again and I could not be able to attend her funeral since I was being framed for her death. A corrupt officer was trying to cover up for her fiance who was the one behind the murder, so she planted evidence on me and almost killed me as well. Teyie and his family helped me out and gave me the job where I was working but I had to leave dear due to unavailable circumstances" I narrated.

Lucy stared at me with her sympathetic eyes then took my head and gently lay it on her right shoulder; just like Christina used to do whenever I was depressed.

The mention of the accident reminded me that Teyie had gifted me the Range Rover which had knocked me. Since I had other means to get to work and I had Mwikali to provide, I rented out the Range to a friend called Benson Kiplagat and the hire period for the car was ending in a week's time; I was going to get my Range Rover back after the following week.

I had lied to Mwikali that I had sold the car so that I could be able to finance myself and pay debts so she began funding me and that was when she gifted me the Double-Cabin. We rarely met with Teyie so he was not aware that the Range Rover was temporarily being owned by Benson.

"Ham, have you eaten?" Lucy asked after a moment of silence.

"I haven't cooked yet but I will cook dear." I said.

"Let me go get you something to eat; our dinner is ready." She said then left.

She then came with food from her house and gave me company as I ate. We began chatting about our past life then Lucy abruptly said;

"I got a call from my brother asking me to get him someone to hire at work; he is giving quit some good pay and the job is just like your previous one. Why don't you first check out the job then you decide whether to take it or to continue with the business.?"

"What kind of job is it?" I asked curiously.

"He runs a mega studio and he needs an editor; you told me you were working in the editorial office, right?" She replied.

It sounded like a good deal since I was not sure enough of my business idea and I did not want to spend all of my savings on something that would backfire; I decided to check it out.
The following morning, Lucy took me to her brother's studio and to my surprise, her brother was the guy I had rented my Range Rover. I felt embarrassed and immediately I saw Benson, I changed the narrative.

It would be worse for me being employed by Benson since he always looked up to me and he thought that I was wealthier than him so I just turned the whole event into something else. Even before Lucy could introduce us to each other, I greeted Benson and said;

"Your sister here told me that you do run a Mega-Studio so I decided to come check it out."

I saw how Lucy reacted to my sudden change of narrative but she was a smart lady, she played along.
I did not want to tell her why I did not want the job but I gave an excuse of I just wanted to see how a studio business was like so that I could start one. While still at his studio, Kiplagat offered to purchase the Range Rover after the agreed rented time was due.

I was in need of as much money as I would get but deep in my conscience, I felt that it was not right to sell a gift. The car was a gift from Teyie and selling it would be like a disgrace to myself.

"I will think about it." I said to Benson about the car then we left after I was satisfied with my bench-marking.

When we got back to the apartment, Lucy was disappointed on how I reacted and was mad at me because I had turned down her efforts to get me a job but I tried to explain...

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Continues in the next Episode.

©Author George Haman

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