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A/N: oya oya! hi, i'm so sorry for not updating for the longest time >.< it was mainly because of school exams & i couldn't use wattpad for a while... also i kinda didn't know how to continue writing... but anyway, if you're here then thanks a lot for reading! :3

The game is not over yet.

Those words still haunted Alryn, etched into her mind like a burning rune. Yet days have passed, with no sign of the Fate. Alryn had begun to think that it was merely a prank on her, and cursed herself for being so naive. She was just naturally wary of the Fates and magic, given how much her parents retold her stories of them over and over again. But on the other hand, it just made her curiosity grow like a flame not to be put out anytime soon.

"Alryn," her mother started, calling her name softly but not without strength, "Your father and I need to go, well, somewhere, and..." Alryn had never seen her mother so uncertain before, and she tried to figure out if something had happened. "...and I'm not sure when we'll be back." Her mother finished, more of her usual determination and confidence slipping back into her words as she met her gaze. Was that worry she sensed?

The word "where" was at the edge of Alryn's tongue, and she had to reel it in firmly. She was sure, from her parents' expressions, that this probably wasn't something they wanted her to nose in about. Alryn managed a hesitant nod, partly convincing herself that there was nothing to worry about. But the other part of her wasn't so sure. What could have brought this sudden change? Alryn recalled the stupid letter. Could it be...me?

"Just...just remember what we told you. See you." And with that, they left.

"What we told you." No doubt, Alryn realised it had to be about the Fates. Did her parents find out about the letter? She thought as sudden panic seized her. No, they probably didn't, Alryn forced herself to think, they couldn't have. 

But what else could they have meant? 

Her feet brushed the already polished wooden floor of her house as Alryn paced back and forth, trying to organise her thoughts. I can't not do anything, she thought a bit too desperately, as she still suspected that Jacks definitely had something to do with this. Though if her parents found out about her stalking them, they would definitely increase "security" and be even more aware next time. If there was even a next time. 

But some part in her mind said that this was far more important than anything and would be worth it. Maybe worth even more.

So she set out, trying not to look suspicious as she trudged on the streets and tried to figure out the direction her parents were most likely to head towards. She made sure to stop at shop windows every now and then, pretending to be interested in something then simply walking away. Alryn had never really learnt anything about "stalking" people before, though she just felt that it had a fun thrill to it. 

Much time had passed, with no trail of her parents, causing Alryn to worry. After all, there were only two main directions her parents could head towards, one of which led into the heart of the city and the other to barren lands. She had suspected that her parents would head towards the former, but now Alryn wasn't so sure. Maybe the "errand" her parents had to do was really out of the ordinary.

After taking one last glimpse towards the never-ending side of the street, Alryn ducked into a back alley, hoping to look innocent, and turned the other way around. But before she could even take a step towards her new direction, dread clung to her feet, seeming to drag her down as a palm collapsed down on her shoulder.

She felt, more than heard, the breath of a husky voice right beside her ear, "Well, well. Have you been looking for me, my dear?"

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