Ishigami X Kobachi - Serve

Start from the beginning

"Yup, looks like Ms. Shinomiya was right about Ishigami being a waiter in this universe." Rue said.

"I wonder how will Ishigami-kun will look with a waiter outfit." Kaguya said curious about it but also secretly fantasize Miyuki in a waiter outfit.

"Then why is it still listed? If the spooky house is already taken?" Yu asked, who was quite the whole time as he watches the chaos unfold.

Rei shrugged and said." Sorry I didn't know about it being taken just now. Besides it's the class fault for not having this meeting early since the boys immediately rush away after class is over." Rei commented which causes some of the boys who did that to flinch a bit for being called out.

"Ha! I knew those boys were the reason we didn't have the haunted house." Miko said.

"Yup, we do see some of them quickly leave before we could a meeting. That's why we had a problem in doing the haunted house." Kobachi said.

"Thankfully. We, first year manage to do it." Rei said with a sighs as she remembers the trouble they went through.

"Anyway, it's agreed that we are going to do a cafe." Rei said. The girls and some of the guys nodded in agreement. Some protest but where immediately shut down by Miko glare.

"Anyway, what kind of cafe we should do?" Rei asked. Soon everyone started to give their suggestions.

"Maid cafe."

"Skimpy Cosplay cafe."

"Swimsuit cafe."

"Whoever suggest the last two are majors perverts." Miko said with a glare. The girls again agrees with her and frown at the last two suggestions.

"No!" The girls immediately disagree to the ideas.

"Aw come on. The maid cafe idea wasn't that bad." One of the guys said.

"Aw please. You guys easily distracted by maid outfits. That's we suggest a butler cafe." One of the girls said with girls agreeing to it.

"That's not a idea Miko-chan. We rarely see a butler cafe anyway." Tsubame said.

"But how good are the guys are in becoming butler's. Some are bit clumsy afterall." Kobachi said.

"Something tells me that we are about find out." Nagisa said.

"NO WAY!" The boys shouted in unison. Soon it became a shouting match between the boys and girls section. Rei, Kobachi, Miko and Yu watches the chaos unfold.

"ENOUGH!" Miko shouted as she slams her hand on the blackboard which causes the chaos to stop.

"It looks like you guys can clearly can't get along with this decision." Rei said with sigh.

"How about we just do a rock paper scissors on each side. Winner gets to decided what the theme of the cafe is?" Kobachi suggest. Soon the first year students murmured in agreement to this. Soon each side pick a representative.

The girls wins the match.

The girls in theatre cheered in victory also.

"Wait does that mean that we are going to see that Ishigami-kun in a butler uniform?" Chika asked.

"Correct, Ms. Fujiwara." Rue answer.

"I wonder how will Ishigami-san will look like as a butler." Maki asked. Soon of the the girls imagine tries to imagine it.

They imagine Ishigami serving them with a depress and monotone voice.

"Nevermind." The girls said.

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