Special Chp. ~ What Do You Mean, You Care About Me?

Start from the beginning

• Y/n's POV •

I slowly opened my eyes from my slumber, I looked at the clock, it was 5:48, 'Huh, usually I'd wake up at 4:30 or something, strange', I then sat up and a f/c petal fell down from my face?

I picked it up and inspected it, and once I tried to smell it I couldn't smell anything, I started to panic a little, I then check to see if there anything else wrong but there isn't, 'I might just have a cold, but I feel fine....'

I do my regular morning routine, and head into the dormitory but no one was here, some of their doors were open but no one was to be found.

'Hm, they might have done the announcements early so I'll check the dining hall then the gym'

I then walked slowly out of the dormitory, enjoying peacefulness and silence, once I arrived at the dining hall I headed for the kitchen infront Kirumi there already done with breakfast.

"Morning Sensei!"

"Ah, morning Y/n, is something wrong? You sound congested"

Now that she mentions it extreamly congested, "Yeah, I woke up this morning and I was congested, I could you check if I have a fever, Kirumi?"

She nodded and walked over to me, placing the back of her hand to my forehead, "Hm, it seems you don't have any sickness Y/n,"

I nodded in understandance I then got my plate and sat down and ate, once I was done I went to find someone to spend some time with, well mainly I was looking for Kokichi, but if he was not found I would give up for now.

I then started into the buildings hallway and as I turned a corner I saw Kokichi running away from Kaito, Kokichi looked nervous but excited and Kaito looked pissed, Kokichi must have done something to mess with Kaito.

I then smiled a waved at Kokichi, he grinned as he was close to me, I then step out of the way but Kokichi then grabs my wrist and starts sprinting even faster leaving Kaito behind.

After a few minutes of running he came to a stop, I ended up not slamming into him luckily, Kokichi turns to me with sparkling eyes and a wide smile, I sweat dropped at this not knowing what to do, ".uh...Morning, Kokic-" "Hahahaha! Oh m-my- Hehe... I c-can't believe..... It worked, haha!"

Kokichi barley managed to say anything with how hard he was laughing, I was soooo confused about what was going on, "W-What???"

•Kokichi's POV•

'Ahahahahaaa! This, this is the best decision I've made during my life in this killing game!

Y/n looked puzzled at my actions, "W-What???", "Ahaha-ahah, Ne-hehe! Aaahh, Y/n.... Do you even realize what I'm l-laughing about...?"

She shook her head nervously signaling no, I then pointed to her nose, "L-Last night.... I snuck into your dorm room and placed that f/c petal on your nose which your allergic to"

She seemed confused, "W-What..... I'm not allergic to that-"

"S-STOP! Nee-hehe, I can't t-take you seriously.... When your talking like that..." I was now clutching onto my stomach, Y/n face turned into a annoyed one as she crossed her arms.

"Aww, come on don't look at me like that! You know it pretty funny, wait no, it's not funny at all...." I said in realization, Y/n looked suprised by this and gave a small smile, until I finished my sentence.

"It's downright harlious!" I shouted giving a wide grin, just then I heard Kirumom from behind Y/n, "Oh there you are Y/n, I found a pack of Tylenol pills for your congestion, oh hello Kokichi"

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