Increased Security

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"Put your hands in the air!"
Jack stood frozen as a beam of light shone on him from somewhere in the woods. He seemed unsure the command was actually for him. He was reassured by the cocking of a gun.
"I said, 'Put your hands in the air!'" This time Jack obeyed.
Out stepped Rick, in a similar style to when Jack first met him. He swiped the journal from Jack's hand and scanned the cover. He smirked slightly.
"Out doing some night writing?" Rick questioned, signaling Jack to put his arms back down.
"Y-yes sir. Is something wrong?" Jack asked, willing his sweat to remain hidden.
"None of that 'sir' nonsense. It's a stakeout is all." Rick stated. Jack cocked his head.
"Who for?" He asked.
"What for. We think a zombie might have infiltrated the camp." Jack felt his blood run cold. "You've got a gun on you right, soldier?"
That was his father's number one rule. Even though he trusted Rose, he never left without one.
He nodded and flashed his pistol. Rick gave a thumbs up and left him on his way.
With every few steps Jack made sure he wasn't being followed, just in case.

"They know." It was all Jack had to say. Rose started to get up to leave when he raised the pen. "This can be the last time."
She looked at the pen then at his eyes, contemplating. Then she sat back down with a sigh.
"You said they had a soldier. That was you, right? What did you do? Are you still part of the military?" He saw the anger in her eyes and got his answer. "What did they do to you?"

Rose gripped the pen harder than she ever had before, and it became a blur in Jack's eyes as ink filled page after page. Jack wanted to watch but he kept an eye out for anyone else.

Once the sun had risen, the journal felt heavier in Jack's hands.
"Am I ever going to see you again?" He asked, the realization his friend was leaving him had finally set in. She looked away, then back at him.
"I'll stay close." She whispered, her voice slightly less hoarse than last time Jack had heard it. Jack wrapped his arms around her.

She was lukewarm, and he swore he felt a soft heartbeat. Before anything else could be said, she snuck into the glare of the rising sun.

After hiding the journal, Stan approached him, skyrocketing his heart rate.
"Hey son." He said, looking at him questioningly.
"Hi dad!" Jack quickly replied, hoping his nerves weren't obvious.
"Rick came by the trailer. He wants to talk to you." Stan said almost accusing.
"D-did he say why?" Jack asked.
"No. But he was armed to the teeth. What have you been up to, kid?" Stan eyed Jack up and down. "I think I'll come with you if that's alright."
Jack was not sure that was alright.
"That's alright!"

The walk towards the radio tower was done in silence, but Jack's mind was crowded with thoughts of why he was being called, what his dad would do, and if Rose was okay. Jack was talking to Shiela and holding a map of the campsite covered in sticky notes. He was holding more guns on a single holster than Jack had ever seen attempted, he just hoped the safety was on all of them.
"Jack! Good to see you again!" Rick said, finally noticing their presence. "You as well, Stan."
"Hey Rick, what did you need me for?" Jack asked, hoping his dad would not ask about the "again."
"Well I'm trying to assemble a team to hunt down the zombie that's broken in and another team to keep others from following its lead. I was wondering if you'd be interested in helping?" Rick tried to hide the desperation on his face. Stan placed his hand on Jack's shoulder.
"Of course, we both will." Stan responded.
"Great! Right now Trudy and I are on the ground team, while Tahir is alone on the defense." Jack could sense his dad's disgust so he volunteered first.
"I'll go with Tahir! Dad can join your team." Jack tried not to look so excited.
"Perfect!" Rick unsheathed a couple guns and handed them to us. "Jack, you will be at this part of the camp, there is currently a hole in the fence that is big enough for someone to get through. You and Tahir will guard it until we can get it repaired." Jack took the copy of the map and head out.

Once puppy love left his brain, he realized a major problem: He was guarding Rose's one exit. He knew he would have to distract Tahir at some point if Rose was going to leave the camp. Jack just prayed he was as much as a distraction to Tahir as Tahir was to him.

Tahir's eyes darted towards the ground as soon as he recognized Jack's footsteps.
"Hey, I was sent to help you out." Jack said
"Th-that's good. I was wondering if I would have someone to trade off sleeping shifts with." He responded, still not looking entirely at Jack.

The conversation remained as dry as the air when they both heard the rustling.
"Wh-what's that?" Tahir cried. "Is it coming from outside or inside?!"
Jack had to stall.
"I'll guard the hole, you look around." Jack commanded. He realized it was still a bad idea and needed a distraction. He kicked a rock one direction, praying Rose wasn't there, then pointed Tahir towards the wild goose chase.
Jack scanned the area for Rose but saw nothing. Tahir was quick to notice however.
"You're not watching the hole!" He cried, nervously.
"S-sorry! I got distracted." Jack excused.
"By what?! Another sound?! Where?!" Jack put a hand on Tahir's chest and could feel his heart going like fireworks. Tahir blushed. Suddenly Jack knew what to do.
"By you." He said calmly. He felt the heart go slower.
"Wh-.." Tahir's face was beet red. Jack heard the rustling begin and so he bet it all and leaned in. Tahir accepted and they both closed their eyes for the kiss.

Neither of them saw the blur go through the hole.

"I'll take the first shift." Jack offered. He knew Tahir was exhausted.
"Thanks..." Tahir said, looking into Jack's eyes with a quiet smile. He took out a sleeping bag and lay himself down.
Jack turned to his own overnight bag and dug inside. He pulled out the journal he had stashed inside and turned to the beginning of the new pages. He hid a gasp. There was much more written than usual.

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