Camp Site

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"You call that aiming? You're more likely to shoot yourself than a zombie like that." Jack sniffled quietly in a petty attempt to hide the tears starting to form in his eyes. Stan took the gun from his hands and placed it in a special pocket on his belt, crouching down to meet his Jack's height. "I swear, when I find whoever taught you to be this emotional, they won't be able to cry again." Jack avoided eye contact, as to not upset Stan further. "Look son, I can't lose you too. You need to take this seriously." Jack was quick to reply. "I am taking this seriously! You're not! You're just going around shooting anything that isn't like us! We should be trying to help these people, they can't control this!" Jack's voice sounded like a broken radio, constantly cracking and squeaking from choking down tears. Stan grabbed Jack by the arm and pulled him closer. "Now you listen here, boy. I am taking this seriously. I'm trying to protect my family, and I don't have time to risk their lives to try and help these monsters trying to kill them!" Jack's face was dark red, he shouted at Stan, with venom in his voice. "Protect your family, huh? Well how's that turning out for you? Seems to me like we're missing someone!" Tears we're falling down Jack's face, as he instantly regretting speaking. Stan grabbed him by the shirt collar and dangled him above the ground. "Now I know I taught you to have more respect than that. Your mother tried to do the same idiotic thing you are. She didn't even think twice before trying to help those beasts. I thought you would've learned from her that your cause was pointless. But clearly you have a lot more to learn." In an instant, Stan released Jack, his body falling to the ground with a heavy thud. Jack scrambled to find the words "I'm sorry" before his father stopped him. His back faced him and he spoke softly. "I didn't want you doing anything stupid, so I didn't tell you. But as I said, you need to learn." Jack was confused until Stan pointed behind him. "Turn around. Talk to it. Try to change its mind." Jack's heart stopped when he turned to see the creature making its way towards them. Its left leg was missing, so it slowly scooted closer. It was still at least a couple hundred feet away, so danger wasn't immediate. Its eyes were black and empty, barely a shell of the person it once was, its clothes were stained and ripped, matching its skin. Its mouth hung open with black bile dripping from its lips, a permanent smile stuck on its face. Shakily, Jack managed to push himself off the ground so he could stand on his own two feet. He inched closer to the zombie, trying to put together a plan on what he would do. He hadn't actually tried to reason with one of them, they were always filled with lead by the time he got close. He stopped moving. There was about 10 feet between them. The corpse smelled rank, the decaying skin mixed with the blood coating most of its body created an aroma of pure death. His body was shaking, he wondered in the back of his mind if it could smell his fear. "H-...hello." Jack said, mimicking a calm voice whilst waving his right hand. The zombie gurgled softly in response, more black liquid spilled from its throat. "C-can you hear me? Are you still in there somewhere?" It crept closer, constantly reaching for Jack. "It's going to be okay. I can help you. You need to remember who you used to be. Please." There was less than three feet between them. Jack's skin was glistening with sweat. His dark bangs covered his eyes. He shakily reached a hand towards it. "My name's Jack. What's yours?" A deep roar escaped the creature's throat. Jack was paralyzed with fear as it pounced onto him. He laid pinned to the ground with the zombie hovering over him. Blood dripped onto his face. Its mouth was an inch away when the gun sounded. In mere seconds the corpse's skull was in pieces, blood and rotten flesh was scattered across the ground. Jack quickly lifted himself up and vomited on the ground, desperately trying to erase the scene from his mind. He gasped for air and looked up to meet his father's blank stare. "Consider this lesson over. Let's hope you learned something this time." Stan blew the smoke off his gun and brought it back to its place. "Clean yourself off, we can't stay here for long. We've probably attracted a whole horde of them." Stan led Jack towards a small river where he washed himself off in. The water was icy, but Jack could barely feel it, his body was still numb from fear. He climbed out once everything had been washed out from the clothes, he wrung them so they'd be slightly less wet, then put them back on and followed close behind Stan. The forest they walked through was flowing with reds, yellows, and oranges. Stan had told Jack that it is nature's irony; such beauty in the face of pain and fear. Jack's mother had once said that nature doesn't care what happens, she'll always find a way to look beautiful. Jack sighed. "You knew that wasn't going to work didn't you?" Stan scoffed softly in response. "Let me ask, did you really think that would work?" Jack hid his face from his father, but his cold, blue eyes forced the words out of him. "No. But I couldn't think of a better plan." Stan looked at his son, running his hand through Jack's jet black hair. "Of course I knew that wouldn't work. I'm sorry, I've just been barking orders at you for weeks. I know that these things used to be people, I know they can't help what they've become. But that isn't our problem. Our problem is that these things are trying to kill us. I'd love to be able to help them too, to have everyone be healed and for life to go back to normal, but it doesn't work that way. And if there is a cure, by some miracle, we're never gonna find it if we're dead. Do you understand?" Jack was stunned, it had been so long since his father had spoken like that. Everything that happened had changed him, and deep down, Jack was afraid he wouldn't ever get his real dad back. He nodded slightly, Stan wiping tears from Jack's hazel eyes. He pulled Jack into a warm embrace, Jack crying on his father's shoulder. After a few seconds, there was a small sound. Jack couldn't recognize it, but his father instantly stood up, holding Jack close to his chest and pulling out his gun. There was a rustling in the surrounding bushes, it was as if whatever was coming was on all sides. Stan waved his gun toward any sound he heard, growing more and more frustrated as they continued. The rustling came to a soft end as a man stepped forth from in front of us. He was taller than Stan, with red-orange hair and blue eyes. He held a small pistol in his left hand. He eyed Stan and Jack up and down. "Are either of you infected, or have been bitten?" His voice was dark and low, barely matching his face. Stan shook his head. "We're clean. Now watch where you're pointing that thing." The man smirked. "I should say the same to you. You must forgive me. Surely you understand how dangerous it can be out here." Stan chuckled softly. "Then maybe you shouldn't travel alone." With a snap of the man's fingers, five or so people walked out from the bushes, each holding a gun or knife in their hands. "Who said I was alone?" He laughed darkly. Stan held a nervous grin, dropping his gun to the ground. "I can cooperate. We don't want any trouble. We were just passing through." The man giggled. "Oh really now? That's a new one. Where are you two heading?" Stan choked on his own words for a few seconds, then went silent. The man stepped closer, holding Jack's chin in his right hand. "Is this boy yours?" Stan growled. "Yes. If you hurt a single hair on his head, I swear-" Stan was cut off by laughter coming from the man. "You know I really should be offended, but I understand you assuming the worst. Pick up your gun, it's yours." Stan and Jack stood confused, but Stan obeyed. The man smiled. "We aren't bandits or anything. The name's Rick." He held out his hand, Stan hesitantly shook it. "Alright guys, that's enough." The people surrounding us chuckled and put their weapons away. "You two should come with us, you two look like you haven't seen a bed in days, weeks maybe." Rick led the way with the others following. Stan and Jack looked at each other, thinking it over, then followed. "Now our little camp might not be the most luxurious place, but we make do." Stan chuckled softly. "I'm sorry. I'm just a little shocked is all. You guys scared us good." The entire group giggled, with small murmurs of people agreeing and talking of previous times. "My name's Stan, and my son here is Jack. We're a little lost and would love a place to stay for a bit." Rick smiled widely, slowing down to meet up with us. "It's very nice to meet you two. And we'd love to have you here as long as you'd like. It's a safer alternative to wandering around waiting for zombies to attack." Jack chuckled softly, causing Rick to frown. "Geez, you look like you haven't eaten in days. First thing when we get back, get food in your bellies and pillows under your heads." Stan placed his hand on Rick's shoulder. "I seriously can't thank you enough for this. I was starting to think we were all alone out here." Rick shook his head. "It's no trouble. We've gotta stick together." They continued walking and talking the whole journey. Jack noticed a faded sign for some national park as they walked over a dirt path. Soon they found themselves surrounded by RVs and log cabins. Rick stepped closer. "No need to worry. We cleared this place out. It's safe. And more importantly, it's full of survival equipment." Stan looked around, completely speechless. "You guys are geniuses, this place is perfect. You could have a whole town living here!" Stan commented. Rick laughed and lead them towards a group of RVs. "We certainly lucked out here. But maybe not a whole town. Most of the people who stay here came with me. We try to stick together. Use less resources." Rick showed Stan and Jack a huge RV, it was mostly black with some white stripes. Inside were TVs, mini refrigerators, a living room, a kitchen, 3 bedrooms, and even bathrooms. "You two can stay here. Most of us have our own place for us and our families. This place is probably full of food, but just ask if you need anything." Stan and Jack stared awestruck at the place they were standing in. It was as if an angel had just given them the fountain of youth. "Oh, and one more thing." Rick handed Stan a small pamphlet. "This should tell you all you need to know about the place. Different attractions and stuff. In case you get bored." He said, winking at Jack, whose eyes had lit up at the thought of it. Rick said goodbye and left, shutting the door on the way out. Stan finally managed to stop gazing orgasmically at the small house and found some cups of noodles. He heated some water and made him and Jack a cup. They both ate and thanked the gods that they had been found by Rick and the others. "So what should we do after we eat?" Jack questioned to his father's amusement. "Are you kidding? Sleeping! This is the first time we've been able to sleep without fearing for our lives in forever. I don't think we'll wake up for a few days." Jack chuckled, slurping up the rest of his noodles and investigating the van. He opened a cabinet and found clean clothes he could change into. He grabbed some for his dad too, then came out and handed them to Stan, who smiled. "Jesus, I can't even remember how old the clothes we're wearing are. I think we died and this is heaven." Jack and Stan each took turns changing clothes, throwing their old ones haphazardly in a pile. Stan smiled at them. "Remind me to burn those." He laughed. They walked over to the end of the hall, looking at the rooms. Jack yawned softly at the thought of sleep. "You can have the master bedroom, I'll take the second largest." Stan nodded and bid him goodnight, despite it still being light out. Jack walked into the room and laid in the bed, wrapping himself in the covers. He felt so warm and peaceful, for once in what had felt like months. He sighed happily and drifted off into a deep sleep. Hoping that all of this wasn't too good to be true.

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