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"We should, um go to class now", Harry said breaking the silence.

Draco looked down, embarrassed. "Yeah, ok".

They began to walk back. Neither of them spoke a work. Harry looked awkwardly around.

"What does Lupin have in store for us today"?

"Oh uh something with boggarts".

"Again? We did that three years ago".

"I'm not the teacher Harry".


The two boys entered the classroom. People turned and looked weirdly at the two of them walking in together. Ron raised an eyebrow. Draco turned scarlet and returned to his spot with his awaiting friends. Harry lurked in the back and took an empty seat, earning him a strange look from Lupin.

"Class, as you know we will be attempting to understand and best Boggarts. Yes, I know we have worked with them before, but with repetition comes better skill. Now please once again line up and lets face our fears. I think I speak for all of us when I say I look forward to seeing how your fears have changed as you aged and matured."

Harry remained in the back. Ron and Hermione walked to his side.

"Harry", Hermione whispered," what is going on?"

"I'll tell you later", Harry whispered back.

The class once again faced fears, but childish fears of clowns, or snakes, were less common. Horrifyingly realistic depictions of Voldemort, or loved ones dying silenced the room, But once again the silent terror morphed into laughter as despised professors embarrassed themselves, first years tripped on their robes, and even a graphic scene of Dolores Umbridge brought a few smiles and giggles out of the trauma tried students.

Draco Malfoy stepped slowly in front of the beast. Peoples expectations were thrown out the window when the Boggart turned into angry looking versions of Harry Potter and Lucius Malfoy.

Draco stood terrified. He pleaded with his mind to not truly fear the words that were coming.

"You disgust me son. A disgrace to the Malfoy name. I knew you were a mistake since the day you were born. In love with a boy, the chosen one no less. Not only are you a filthy fag, you're also a traitor. Why are you even alive. I see nothing you have left to live for. No family to love, not legacy to uphold."

"I don't even really love you. It was all fake. FAGGOT.", The boggart Harry sneered.

"There's no one left in the world who could ever love you." Lucius laughed. He drew a blade from his robe. He thrust it through Boggart Harry's neck.

Draco stood absolutely terrified. Red engulfed his face. His own conscious had outed him to his entire class.

"RIDDIKULUS", Harry yelled, causing Lucius to hang from his feet revealing very unattractive undergarments.

Draco ran. Out of the class, through the corridor. Anywhere was better then there. Harry ran after him.

The class left behind shrugged. They saw the sexual tension for years, it was about time. Even Lupin cracked a smile.

Draco was alone. As far as he knew. Was his father right? Did he really have nothing else to live for. No. There was one thing he knew he had. One thing he couldn't mess up.



"Are you alright".

"I'm fine".

"Please, talk to me".


"Draco you have so much to live for".

"Really Harry? Name one thing".

Harry froze." We uh haven't finished our potions project yet".

"Oh how could I have been so stupid. We haven't finished our project yet. Really Harry did that stop me before?"

Harry regretted every word that came out of his mouth but he didn't stop.

"If you died tonight i think you'd regret not doing it".


Draco stopped. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Well fine!"

Just then a small, probably second year girl came up to them.

"Harry Potter? Dumbledore wishes to see you".

Harry looked awkwardly at Draco and then left with the girl. Draco stood there, mad, and scared. He knew what he had to do, and he had to do it tonight.

Undeniable- A Drarry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now