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The days went on. No more streams of thought leaked into Harry's mind. No more did Draco avoid Harry as best he could. Though their contact was limited it was not nonexistent. Brief conversations having to do with class or the upcoming date of their final potion brewing. Not a word was mentioned about the thoughts, or the kissing, or the tears. This drove Harry crazy. He longed for answers, But Draco only craved closure. He wanted to rid himself of memories of what happened. He wanted to forget about how much he actually cared for Harry without even knowing why. He couldn't bring himself to find out. 

Harry wondered when he would ask Draco about the thought conversation. How could he say that he was reading Draco's mind. He wandered the halls, hoping that an answer would appear. 

A door. Right in front of his face. Where had it come from? Who knows. All Harry knew was he needed to go in. He reached his hand out and pushed open the door. It was the room of requirement he assumed. 

The room was dark. He looked around. This wasn't the room that he and Draco worked in. It looked comfy. He'd never been their but it was familiar. There were no lights but he could make out a couch, and a few chair circling a deep green carpet. The room smelled nice. Like vanilla. It was warm. 

Harry stepped into the room and inhaled deeply. The warmth and comfort he felt was nice. He couldn't see anything besides the circle of chair and couch. 

"What are you doing here", A voice called from a corner.

Harry spun to face the voice. He couldn't make out a face. There was a person sitting on the floor. They stood up. They were about one inch taller than Harry. 

"Draco"?, Harry asked.


"Malfoy", He corrected.

"Right. how did you get here Potter"?

"I don't know. I was walking and I stumbled upon this door. I opened it and here I am. If I may, what are you doing here".

"None of your business Potter",Draco replied hastily.

Harry thought of how he heard Draco's thoughts. He remembered what he heard. 


"What Potter"?

"Did you think things the other day".

"What kind of stupid question is that"?

" I mean, like about me. Did you hear something? A voice. I- I mean mine? 'Cause your voice..."

Draco looked scared for a second.

"Your voice? That was you? How the hell is that possible?"

"I don't know".

"What did you- What did you hear?" He asked innocently.

"Well... nothing I was supposed to"

Draco frowned.

"Do you really care for me"?

"Absolutely not".


There was silence.

"Why are you here"?

"I told you that's none of your business". 

I come here to cry sometimes.


"Why what potter"?

"Why do you come here to cry"?

"What the fuck, are you reading my mind"?

"I didn't mean to Malfoy, I just heard it. Can't you read mine?"


"You heard my thoughts that one time". 

"And what a terrible time that was. You made a ridiculously immature joke I thought it was a first year playing a prank''.

Harry laughed.

How  can someone be so goddamn annoying and yet so exciting to be around. Harry thought.

Draco's eyes widened. A large grin grew across his face. 

"I heard that! Clear as day, your voice as if you were speaking but you weren't!"

Harry smiled.

"You find me exciting"?

"er- I suppose. I just never know  what to expect when i'm with you. Like last time we met when we..." 

"Potter I know what you're going to say and I don't want to talk about it". Draco snapped. 

He went for the door and opened it. 

"POTTER! Where is the exit"? 

"What do you mean, you just opened the only door in the whole room?"

"It's just a wall". 

"What 'lemme see. WHY THE FUCK IS THERE NO EXIT"?


"I cannot be stuck with you all night". Harry sighed.

"Potter... the room changed".


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