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BTW Remus lupin is alive and he didn't quit cause im the author and i said so ok. I love him too much. (Without him there is no wolfstar, thats not what this story is about but i thought i should mention it) Much love - the author.

It was late. Harry didn't have time to visit Myrtle tonight. He would go in the morning he decided. He trudged back to the dorm. He returned to find a worried Hermione and a sleeping Ron.

"Harry!", Hermione called, "we've been so worried. Where have you been?"

Before Harry could answer Ron let out a loud snore.

" For heavens sake Ronald, WAKE UP!" . Hermione yelled, waking him with her book.

"Huh? What's going on?", Ron asked groggily.

"Harry's back".

"Oh that's nice, welcome back", He groaned before drifting back asleep.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "And he wonders why I won't go out with him."

"I thought you wouldn't go out with him 'cause you were a flaming homosexual", Harry laughed.

"You're one to talk.  Now, where were you?"

"Just out, Walking, with Luna".

"Right, well i'm glad you're ok. We'll talk at breakfast tomorrow. Goodnight Harry".

"night 'Mione". 

Hermione went into the girls dorms and Harry dragged Ron upstairs. 

Harry slept soundly. Dreams of a certain blonde filled his brain. He woke up with a sense of Happiness but no memories of the dreams.

He left his dorm and no one was in the common room. He changed into his robes, and walked through the corridor. Harry checked the watch on his hand.

Why am I such an idiot. I'm late for class. Damn it. Fuck.  I didn't get to speak with Myrtle. Lupin will forgive me if I skip one class, right.

Elsewhere, sitting at a desk in Defense against the dark art's class, Draco heard as Harry cursed to himself. He smirked. His smile faded. Harry could NOT speak to myrtle. That ridiculous ghost can't keep her mouth  shut. 


"Yes, mr. Malfoy?"

"Umm, Bathroom?"

"Make it quick".

Draco leaped up, and practically ran to find Harry. He wasn't doing a great job of looking where he was going and crashed into the black haired boy. 

"Malfoy, what the-"

"Where do you think you're going. You should be in class."

" Well I could say the same about you. Why are you running through the Halls. "

"You can't speak to Myrtle".

A smirk grew on Harry's face.  Draco's face fell. He knew Harry knew why he couldn't talk to Myrtle. He hated how Harry knew things. He hated how Harry smirked when he knew things. He hated Harry so much. He hated how Harry made him feel. God why did Harry have to be so annoyingly attractive. Draco's stomach was doing flips. He knew deep down that he was helplessly in love. He hated himself for it.  Draco craved Harry's kiss. His lips mashed against his own. Even the feeling of security and belonging, Draco needed from Harry. 

Draco grabbed Harry's wrist and pulled him out of the middle of the corridor. The second they were out of the public's immediate view, Draco placed his hands on Harry's cheeks, and kissed him. Harry froze not knowing what to do. He really wanted to kiss Draco, but he didn't know where he stood in Draco's eyes. 

Draco pulled away from Harry. He wanted- needed Harry to kiss back. 

"please, kiss back".

"But i-"


Harry leaned forward and placed a kiss on Draco's soft lips. Draco kissed back very pleased. The two stood there, kissing until a voice called out from behind them.


They flew apart.

"Ron, hi."

"What the bloody hell. Well uh I was sent to see if you guys were ok, but it seems you're fine. I uh i'll go now. Please uh continue. Bye."

Ron walked away very quickly.

They were both very red. Harry was humiliated. Draco couldn't breath. He ran his fingers through his  hair. 

"OMG, omgomgomgomgomgomg. FUCK".

"What's wrong?"

Tears stung Draco's eyes.

"You can be really dumb sometimes you know. You may be comfortable being fucking gay, but i'm not, ok. It's hard enough to live knowing a few people THAT I TRUST know but, shit now he knows . Who's next? How the fuck could you possibly like me, why do you like me?", Draco yelled, his voice cracking.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"How can you?"

"I think you're beautiful".

Draco gave a small smile.

"Thank you."

"We are fighting different battles. I don't know what you're going through, But I want to help you stay strong."

Draco smiled. A small laugh escaped his lips.

"Stupid Potter, always having to save everyone."

Harry smiled.

They were content for the time being.

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