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I stand up to look to see if anyone's coming towards me. I feel extremely awkward. Then I see him. Malfoy. walking over to me. He wears a frown and shoves a slip of paper into my hands. i look down and there's my name, scribbled onto the paper. I have to brew a lust potion with Draco Malfoy.

I look up and our eyes meet. I didn't realize how much taller he was then me but its a few inches and I do NOT like it.

"Seriously Malfoy", I exclaim. "Out of all the names".

"I didn't ask to do this with you, I would've chosen anyone but you". He says defensively. I can hear unease in his voice. I've never really listened to it before. It's deep and commanding but there's this vulnerability to it, something I never really noticed.

"I cannot believe this". I say attempting to focus myself on something other than his voice.

" Look potter, I have no interest in brewing this potion with you, but I do not plan on failing this class because of you so shut up. Where should we brew this?" he asked in a rather unreadable tone.

"We could go to Myrtles bathroom" I suggest" No ones ever there.

"And have that pathetic ghost loom over us crying? No." He said sternly. " How about the room of requirement? It should have everything we need."

" Fine" I scowl. Why didn't I think of that.

Malfoy seems to pick up on my frustration and smirks.

"lets start tonight, I want to get this over with as quick as possible", he says

"What time?"

" I'll come when I want to potter" He flashes a quick smile.

" Class" Slughorn calls to get our attention. " You are dismissed"

I watch as Malfoy saunters out of the class room. I notice how his robes flow as he walks. it's quite graceful actually.

Later that night I find myself wandering aimlessly through the corridors. The air is cool and calming. I stumble upon a very grand door. I don't recognize it immediately but I soon realize that this is the door I've been searching for.

I quietly pull open the door to find a large room sparsely decorated with shelves full of ingredients. The room smells similar to the potions classroom: dusty, with faint traces of random ingredients. There's a large cauldron in the center of this room, surrounded by the items we would need to begin the brew.

I am alone in the room. There was no sound, no movement, besides my own. I scan the shelves as I wait for Malfoy to show up. My fingers dance over small vials of random potions. I notice a rather shiny vial of Veritaserum. I grab it and place it delicately in my pocket. just as I do this i hear footsteps behind me and a very strong cologne scent takes over the room.

"Anticipating my arrival I see, Potter."

I whirl around to see Malfoy standing in the moonlight. It seems to illuminate his white blond hair and pasty complexion. He has a slight smirk on his face. For some reason I feel myself go red.

"I- well I-", I stutter.

Malfoy raises an eyebrow, and I see his smirk grow.

"Yes Potter?", he sneers.

I stand there frozen.

His smirk turns to a look of confusion.

"Come on then", he says gesturing to the cauldron.

"right", I mumble.

We sit by the cauldron and begin the brew. I read through the instructions carefully.

We both reach over to grab the first ingredient resulting in a very awkward hand touch. his hands are soft, and smooth. He glares up at me. I quickly retract my hand.

"By the end of this first brew we should have something like Amortentia" I say.

"augh, brilliant". Malfoy groans.

"what", I ask.

"I just hate the way that stupid potion smells", he replies frowning.

"you know it smells based off what you find most-"

"YES, Potter, I know", he snaps.

I roll my eyes remembering just how much I dislike him.

This is going to be a long brutal few months.

Undeniable- A Drarry fanficWhere stories live. Discover now