🌺 This MUST Be A Dream! 🌺

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(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ This is the story of Hime and the Reaper Prince (◍•ᴗ•◍) ❤

Part 1 (*❛‿❛)→

Once upon a time...
In some society that was unknown to the living mortals, a unique land know as The Soul Society.

There was a Prince who was not of royal blood, but one that everyone was very eager to serve and be loyal to. Though he was sometimes quirky and uncertain, he always did come through for his people. He was courageous. Reliable. Trustworthy. Friendly (in his own weird way). And to be truthful, he was actually quite handsome.
The Prince in this society was actually referred to as Captain of one of the most prestigious squads know as the Royal Guard. "The Royal Guard?" You may ask. Weren't they technically "weak" in the Captain Amagai arc? Yes it's them, however they were anything but weak. They were not only loyal, but they were always risking to put their life on the line for their righteous ruler. Alsas, over the years since a certain young lady's reign as Queen, she ended up passing away due to an unfortunate situation.

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Now stop questioning my story and let's get back to it...

Orihime, on the other hand, was of a squad that lacked the respect they deserved. Squad 4. Squad 4 was known as the Medical Unit, those whose specialized in healing. She want not only apart of it, but she was also 3rd seat of the squad. She was well recognized within the squad but not within the soul society itself.

That night, they were going to hold a ceremony in honor of Ichigo being deemed King by the higher council of the group. This was a first in their history, so they wanted to truly celebrate it right! Orihime and the rest of the soul society had heard of this grand event, however, the Captains, Lieutenants and the 3rd seats were allowed to go. Squad 4 as a squad decided that it would be best for the Captain to go only in case of an emergency.

Orihime's heart had broke at that moment because she thought she had prepared the most beautiful dress by hand and picked out the most beautiful shoes. She just wanted to have fun. That was all. A break. A single moment to maybe shine and make some new friends, meet new people... Find true love? No, no, no. She couldn't focus on that right now, she thought to herself as she shook her head.

During all this inner turmoil, Nemu Kurotsuchi was given a certain serum made by Mayuri. He wanted her to head to the Squad 4 barracks and leave it to any woman who seemed worthy enough to try the serum for them. "Why squad 4 barracks, Captain?" Nemu already had in mind a certain woman, someone who she had been meaning to pay back for the help she received a long time ago.

"Nemu, don't question my genius! Just deliver the product! NOW!" Mayuri quickly retorted.

"Yes, Sir." She nodded calmly before quickly flashing away and rushing to where she knew Orihime would be on this night.

Orihime was in the lounge of the barracks, sitting next to the window and looking out to where she noticed all the flashing lights from the festivities in the far distance. She told the squad she would be turning in early that night and they all understood. Suddenly, Orihime had heard something outside the window... Something like rustling of the bushes. She quietly peeked outside, readying her Shun Shun Rikka if need be. She kept her hand near her Zanpakuto until she realized who's spiritual pressure it was. She opened the window and smiled sweetly as she leaned against the frame of the window, "Nemu-chan, don't you know sneaking up on people is not nice?~" She teased, Nemu then popping up from the bush.

"Apologies, Inoue-san. But I was told to deliver this serum to you on behalf of Master Mayuri." Nemu had held out the tiny bottle mysterious glowing liquid. Orihime held out her hand and Nemu placed it in hers. "This serum is something Master Mayuri said he was nearly perfecting. It is said to make your dreams come true... However the effects only last 5 hours. It is evening right now, so the effects will wear off by the middle of the night." Orihime blinked, definitely curious about the little creation Mayuri made.

She then without any question drank the liquid, knowing Nemu would never intentionally harm her. The most miraculous phenomenon happened! Within a small fog that appeared around her, she quickly began to turn into-
A princess?
Why would her most inner desired be something so foolish, Orihime thought to herself. She then looked off into the distance, realizing the ball was still today. Orihime had undergone a miraculous transformation. She was in an incredible blue ball gown that sparkled subtly much like diamonds. Her hair was in a messy, yet, elegant bun along with glass slippers. Her Shun Shun Rikka turned into two flower like barretts in her hair behind the strands that fell out of the messy bun for dramatic effect. Her black choker necklace was simple yet, chic. And her heels were made of glass, something she didn't expect whatsoever.

"I shall be off then. Remember the serum wears off in 5 hours, so you must be prepared for that." Nemu reminded her while squatting on the window frame and shortly there after having took off.

Orihime was ever so grateful, "Thank you Nemu-chan and please thank Captain Kurotsuchi for me too! I'll make sure to give a full report tomorrow!"

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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