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"In just a moment, we will have the jury leave and come to the final decision on the case."


They couldn't be done yet, could they?

"We will be taking final statements from both sides lawyers,"

We didn't have any strong evidence against him. All we had was medical bills. We had no DNA proof. We needed more time.

Joanne was called to the stand.

"This is one of the most important cases I have ever fought for." She started, looking around at everyone in this room. "While important, it was also very difficult. Domestic abuse cases always are." She looked at Tim. "But this case is much worse than just domestic abuse, isn't it?"

I felt like my stomach was twisting.

"This was also attempted murder. And, first degree at that. He had it out for William Solace. He had planned to go out there and kill him." Joanne turned away from Tim and to the jury. "This man, he's not only a murderer or only an abuser. He is reckless. Carefree. Entitled. He doesn't care about anything but himself. He is selfish."

"The things he has done to his daughters, his step-son, and his own wife, and even others- is disgusting. He's put multiple people in the hospital, and there's no telling how many more may be put in because of him if we don't lock him up. He's a danger to others."

"I know this is a hard case to come to a conclusion on when you're not there, but the bruises and the medical bills should be proof enough. This man is a menace. Locking him up would be for the greater good."

Joanne was dismissed and Tim's lawyer was put in her place.

I spared a glance at Tim while he watched his lawyer walk up to the stand. He was smirking. I hated that damn smirk. It was so cocky. It was like he knew he was going to win.

And what I hated the most, was that he could.

Tim's lawyer started slow clapping. "Really touching, doll, truly, but unfortunately, I think we have a final piece of evidence we uncovered just last night, that is going to prove this man innocent." He looked over at the judge. "Your honor, may I?"

He had to ask permission because of the fact all evidence should have already been shown. Today wasn't the day for revealing things.



"Henry," the lawyer's voice sounded awful. I was tired of hearing it. "Come up for me please,"

Some guy stood up from the audience. When I got a better look at him, I realized who he was. My heart stopped. Will noticed my shift in mood and looked down at me with concern. I only shook my head. This wasn't about me. All I had to do was just sit here and watch as the man who traumatized me walked up to defend the man who had shot me, knocked Will out, broke Naomi's rib, and hurt the twins. How hard could it be?

"This is Tim's good friend, Henry."

"I've never seen that man a day in my life," Naomi whispered.

"I haven't either, could they really be that close of friends." Sydney said. They weren't really talking to me, but I couldn't help but overhear.

"I thought the only close friends he had were Ted and Audie." Will said, leaning over me a bit so Naomi could hear him and he wouldn't have to raise his voice too much.

I started bouncing my leg as Henry began talking. "Tim? Oh, he's a great guy. He'll always give you the shirt off your back if you needed- no not even needed- if you wanted it. So, when he called me up after Naomi had fallen, obviously I was more than happy to give back to him and help him out."

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