Chapter 2

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W-where am I?

The terrain was a misty color, trees surrounding me and reaching up into the sky. I could only see a couple of yards around me, so I was anxious that something would jumpscare me.

"Is anybody here? Hello?" I called out, half expecting someone to appear.

Suddenly I felt a sensation that something was behind me, and I turned around, scared of what was to be there. Something, I didn't know what, was hovering the air, a yellow light glowing from where I thought its eyes were.

"W-why are you here?" I stuttered nervously.

The figure turned around, motioning for me to follow. I didn't know where this was going, but something told me that I should follow it.

The area was quiet, only the sound of my footsteps and the figure before me seemed to be the only thing other than me in this dream land. "Is there something that you want to show me?" I asked hesitsantly.

The figure said nothing, but only went on, its yellow eyes only keeping me from wandering off the mysterious trail. We seemed to walk for hours, until it suddenly stopped.

I was about to open my mouth to say where we were, but a scene played before us. The scene showed the land, having Pokemon and humans alike living and working together. Then, it showed me a scene of the sea. The waves making its way slowly up to the beach, a boat about to take off from the dock, and sea Pokemon jumping into the air.

"Why are you showing me this?" I asked it. Once again, it said nothing.

After some time, the scenes began to get a little more drastic, until it was finally coming to its horrible closing. I gasped when I saw this. Mt. Chimney erupting, and the sky having a terrible storm. People and Pokemon were running around, trying to take cover, but to no avail. Lava flowed from the volcano, a deadly fiery river flowing everywhere. The sea pokemon were crashing into each other, and the waves towering over and reached up so high it touched the clouds.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself from seeing those images. "Would you answer me for once? Please, please tell me what this means!" I pleaded the creature.

The creature lowered its head and shook it. It began to float away, and I tried to run after it. "No! Please answer me! Dont leave me without giving me an answer!" I tried and tried to keep up its pace, but it only seemed for me to get slower and slower. My vision darkened, and I eventually could see no more.


I bolted right up, gasping. What the hell was that? I thought. I looked to the side of me, seeing all of my Pokemon still asleep.The light was dim, the stars and the moon still in the sky.

I still do have time to sleep, I thought to myself. Just go back to sleep, you can have a normal dream. Just don't think about it. I curled up into a ball, trying to sleep. Just think about tomorrow, and you'll be fine. Slowly, my breathing slowed, and I fell asleep once more.


???s P.o.v.

"Any luck finding information?" I spoke into my Holo-Caster.

"None sir. We are still looking."

"Good, keep it up. But don't cause any trouble, that's the last thing we need."

"Right. Oh, and sir? Where are you right now?"

"Just taking a break outside in Petalburg Woods. I needed to get out of there, anyway."

"I understand. I'll call you when we get information later on."

"I'm looking forward to it." I ended the call, then looked behind me. "Camerupt, try walking a bit faster."

A red and brown Pokemon emerged from behind the bushes, it's eyes locked on to mine. "Cam, Camerupt," it said.

I turned around and looked forward, putting my hands behind my back. "Do you think Tabitha will be successful, Camerupt?" I asked not looking back.

Camerupt nodded. "You're right. Why would he not, he's an Admin." The Camerupt ran to my side, nudging me. "Do you think that it will work?"

Camerupt stayed quiet, and I sighed. "You have your doubts," I say. "I guess that's reasonable."

Camerupts eyes then shifted toward something, and he ran toward it. "Camerupt, what is it?" I ask annoyed. "Just leave it alone, whatever it is." I turned around, seeing it was sniffing at a stick with a string attached running through the trees.

"Don't mess with it, Camerupt. We don't know what it is." I start to walk forward when I hear a thump coming from behind. I turn around, seeing Camerupt had fallen down. "What did you-" suddenly the string attached to the stick vibrated and became loose, and a large object tumbled down through the trees followed with a scream.

I ran to Camerupt and the object, seeing something moving from underneath. What did Camerupt run into...


Karinas P.o.v.

"Ahhh!" I screamed. For a second I was falling through the air, and landed onto the hard ground with an oof. My head felt dizzy from the impact, and I felt my small Poochyena wriggle slightly in my arms. Grovyle and Eevee must stil be above, I thought.

I heard footsteps rush foward, along with the pounding of feet coming from a Pokemon. My breathing quickened, did I fall because of the mysterious things around me?

The hammocks sheets covered my eyes from seeing who it was. I carefully removed it off of me, and the bright sunlight stung my eyes. I immediatly shielded them, and could only see what looked like a man and a Pokemon with shaggy fur.

"Are you ok?" The mysterious person asked.

I stood up, wobbling a little. "Yes, I-I think I am," I mumbled. My vision cleared, and I could see a tall man with red hair and in dark red and black clothes. A Camerupt was at his side, close to him.

He let out a sigh of relief, and looked to his Pokemon. "Well, I guess that's good. My Camerupt triped onto your, 'attachment,' and thats what made you fall down." He motioned for his Camerupt to come foward. "I'd like him to apologize."

The Camerupt hung his head. "Camerupt, Cam," it said.

I gave a small smile. "It's ok, Camerupt, I forgive you."

Rustling came from the trees, and Eevee and Grovyle jumped down from the trees. Eevee went beside Poochyena, and Grovyle went to my side. "Gro?" She said looking at the two.

"Yes, those two are the people that made us fall down. But I forgave them, Grovyle, and you should too," I said to her.

Grovyle only stayed quiet, and the man spoke. "Might I ask what you were doing up there?" he said, motioning to the trees I was in.

"Oh, My team and I were going across Petalburg Woods to get to the other side, near Rustboro, and it got late. So, we camped up there," I replied.

He nodded in response. "Well, I believe I should take my leave. Some... people, are waiting for me." He started to walk off, his Camerupt at his side.

I forgot to ask for his name, I remembered. "Oh, um, excuse me, sir?" He turned around, and I instantly felt emmbarrassed. "Um, you never said your name," I say awkwardly.

He hesitated, and looked to his Camerupt. The Camerupt said nothing, only giving him a stare, and he finally spoke. "Maxie, Maxie is my name," he said.

Maxie and his Camerupt walked away, going deeper into the woods. "Well, that was unexpected encounter, huh guys?" I said to my Pokemon after some time. "I wonder what else will happen today."

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