Meet the Parent.

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Ok so I realize that Adam and Adora have real parents in the original shows but I like the daughter, father relationship, that Adora and He-man seem to display at the end of the show. If you don't agree that's fine, don't read this or replace his name but honestly I don't like their real parents and Hordak wasn't actually a bad person he just had a rough life before he was abandoned by his brother. That's sad Dude. I think in the show he's just an moody teenager honestly and some people didn't watch the old shows growing up because we were born a generation to late, that includes me. Anyway enjoy the story.

Adora's Pov

We had finally made it to my dad's house. When he ran outside towards my brother's car. "Adam, Adora, my beautiful children I've missed you so." We both ran to hug our father as Catra grabbed the bags. "I've missed you dad. " I said as I kissed my father on the cheek. "Me to dad. " Adam said as we all pulled away and my father then saw Catra. "Oh my She-ra, aren't you just adorable. " He smiled as he ran towards Catra and engulfed her into one of his big bear hugs. "Hi so you're Hordak? " Catra laughed "and you must be the Kitten my daughter told me she was bringing. " Catra gave me a funny look. "Of course I told my family about my Kitten. " Adam laughed as I answered Catra's eye question. "Don't worry girl I don't mind who does what with their life as long as they don't hurt anyone or themselves. " Catra smiled at my father and he picked up the bags taking them into the house.

We all followed in after him and then I showed Catra to my old room. "Wow this room is really something. " I was a little confused at what she meant but then I remembered how she grew up. "Yes I guess it is. But that doesn't matter. Come here and give me your bag. " Catra did what I said and I put her clothes away in my empty draws along with mine own. "So had any girl's in here? " Catra asked with a smirk as she sat in my bed. Ain't blushed a little before answering "no just my ex boyfriend. After him I couldn't stand to have anyone else in my room. So all my hook ups and relationships were had in their houses. "

Catra and I sat on my bed cuddling and making out for what only felt like a few minutes but was probably an hour. "Sis, Catra dinner time. "Adam yelled as he walked into my room to see us making out. "Woah, sorry girls" Adam and Catra both blushed hard but this wasnt the first time this had happened to me. "Ok bro we'll be down in bit. " Adam nodded his head before leaving the room. Catra looked to me blushing mad, which made me laugh. "Oh Kitten you are adorable. " I said as I kissed her cheek and then got off the bed.

Catra did up her button on her shirt from the makeout session where my hand started to roam before we headed down together for dinner. I pulled out a chair for Catra to sit on before I sat on my seat at the table. My dad and brother sat down to setting the food down infront of us.  And we all tucked in. "So you guys are really historical hu. " Catra asked as she cut up a piece of her food. "Yes of course." My dad answered, "I believe that my children should know everything about this world and it's greatest warriors He-man and She-ra." Catra smiled at my father's antics.

I had finished eating and put my fork down, I then reached over to Catra's lap where I pulled her hand onto her lap and insert scene from the prince and me above because I can't put that into words lol. Just skip to when they start holding hands lol. The other girl is Adam lol.

After dinner Catra and I sat in the garden on my old hammock. I read to Catra from the book we were currently reading together for our classes that both needed it for different reasons. "I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will. I would always rather be happy than dignified. Do you think I am an automaton?" I read to Catra as she kissed up my neck and placed her hand in my shirt. "Catra I can't read to you if you're just going to tease me. " Catra said nothing and put the book down on the side table before she began to kiss my lips pulling me in towards her.

Warning mild sex here skip to next bold. If you do not wish to read.

I pulled Catra closer, praying to who ever could here me that it was 11:25pm and my family were already in bed. I pulled on Catra's hair causing her to moan quietly. I pulled her waist up more before unbuttoning her jeans and slipping my hand in. She moaned out a little louder before putting her hand in my shorts and copying my every move. I pulled her under me and moved down to her stomach where I kissed up and down it until she squirted into my hand. "Ok Kitten time for bed. " Catra pouted but I simply picked her up and brought her upstairs and led her ontop of the covers.

Sex talk over.

My Kitten soon fell asleep in my arms not even getting dressed so I took off her bra to make her more comfortable and then got changed myself. I got back into bed and kissed Catra's cheek. "Bath tomorrow Kitten, you smell. " I whispered and giggled. Catra groaned at me but I soon to fell asleep with her in my arms,exactly where she is supposed to be.

If anyone can guess what the book they are read is I will give you a free story idea and a shout out in the next chapter.

Good luck.

Brightmoon University (She-ra, Catradora Fanfic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora