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Catra's pov

So Adora asked me out on a date... and of course I said yes but I am extremely nervous. I got up and dressed before Adora so that I was ready, I had just started to eat some toast when I heard Adora waking up, she sat up a little and looked around kinda scared. I laughed which made her look up and let out a breath. I giggled as she walked over to me and grabbed a piece of toast off my plate. "Thanks" I shook my head. "Already eating my food, dear She-ra you haven't even taken me on this date yet. " I laughed and Adora blushes but eats the toast still as I drank my coffee. "So where we going? " I asked looking to Adora she smiled up at me and winked "it's a surprise. " I shook my head "too much. " we both laughed and soon headed off the our separate classes.

I had just gotten to the dorm, getting close to the door I heard a new voice, "your really serious about her? " I opened the door to see a male stood in the middle of the room and Adora sat on her bed. "Oh hey Adora, who's this? " I asked as I put my school bag down and took off my shoes. "Hey Catra, meet my twin brother Adam.  He came to drop off the keys to our car." Adam stretched out his hand to me, "it's nice to meet you Catra" I shook his hand blushing a little, I didn't know she had a twin. "Me too. " I said smiling Adora came over and looped her arm in mine, "well Adam you best be off don't want that girlfriend, Teela, of your's to be waiting to long. " Adam laughed and left the room after Kissing his twin on the head. "Now that I looked longer I can see you two being twins. " Adora laughed and grabbed my shoes, "come on lets go. " she smiled handing them over. I put them on and we left the building.

Once we were on the road I asked "so who else is in your family? " Adora smiled and kept her eyes on the road as she answered "its me my brother Adam, our father and mother. You should of seen Adam's face when I told him I got dumped he was furious. I had to pin him to his bed for hours" I smiled but then a little sad who could ever leave such a beautiful, smart, funny girl? The car then came to a halt and Adora was getting out. I got out aswell and looked out following Adora's gaze which was facing a beautiful mountain rage. "Adora this is incredible, how did you find this place? " Adora smiled and walked over the bench with a basket in hand "Adam brought me here when we were little and told me to scream out anything I was worried about. "

I smiled and sat next to her, she is so beautiful in this light. "His best friend at the time was the one who brought him here first, and said the very same thing. His name was Sea Hawk... he was my boyfriend. " I sighed and held her close, "hey its okay, don't think about him. " Adora didn't cry but her voice started to break so I stopped her, I picked up the basket and found some bought sandwiches. I took one out and took a bite. "Yummy! " I smiled over to Adora who was blushing and giggling, "who are so cute! " It was my turn to blush "am not!" Adora laughed slipped her hand over mine. "You're really great Catra. " I smiled and brought her close resting my arm on her shoulder. "I think your pretty great to Adora. "

We sat like that for a while just eating the sandwiches and taking about our lives. Turns out Sea Hawk was the one who took away Adora's innocence when she was on 14. It made me mad but I soon calmed down when Adora played with my hair on the scuff of my neck and behind my ears. To be honest I love being treated like a cat. Especially by Adora. "You're so precious Kitten. " Adora had said but I didn't pay it any mind. We soon left the mountain rage just after the sun set and got back on the road. Once home Adora took off her flannel and placed it on her chair, she then took off her shorts and got into my bed. I on the other hand was suck in a daze when she was undressing it gave me chills, she's perfect. I took off my jeans and band shirt before climbing up. I cuddled up next to Adora and I soon fell asleep.

Shorter one today but can I just clear something up. So in the original Adora is Adam or He-man's twin sister. I know most people who watched the reboot probably didn't watch either He-man or She-ra. Anyway Sea Hawk is like the one of only people anyone could ship or shipped Adora with apart from Bow but he's with Glimmer so. But it always seemed possible to me he is a play boy.



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