Stand By Me

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When June woke up early the following morning, she couldn't decide who she was more angry at: Kyle Hong or herself. 

On the one hand, what he did was wrong. But on the other hand, it was June's decision to go to that cabin with him and his friends and then let him kiss her. She groaned and pulled the covers over her face. Her tongue felt thick and there was a gross taste in her mouth. But the regret and embarrassment from her disastrous attempt at being rebellious was stronger. She should have never gotten herself into such a mess.

June had a dim recollection of swallowing the pill and the world growing hazy. She wasn't quite sure how she got home, exactly, but she remembered Daniel being there, as well as some guy she didn't recognize. And then she remembered her dad coming home and finding out she was high. Beyond those details, she couldn't remember much. 

Dragging herself out of bed, June made her way into her bathroom where she proceeded to brush her teeth three times and then take a shower. When she stepped out, she wrapped a fluffy white towel around her body, twisted her wet hair up in an old t-shirt because she'd read somewhere that it was supposed to help with frizziness, and then exited the bathroom and padded her way across the hardwood floor to her dresser. 

Heads up, Miss Winchester.

June whirled at the sudden sound of Daniel's voice in her head. Her hand flew up to her towel, and she took two faltering steps backwards, wincing as the handle of the dresser's drawer behind her jammed painfully into her back. The angel was standing at the foot of her bed where there was nothing but air a millisecond earlier. Daniel's eyes widened in surprise as he took in her state of undress and swiftly turned around to give her some privacy.

"Apologies," he murmured. "I did not realize you were, uh-"

"Naked?" June said harshly, trying to seem non-flustered. "Yeah, that's how humans typically take showers, Daniel."

Daniel did not care for the way she emphasized 'humans', as if he were something less than that, but did not say anything as he waited for her to put on some clothes. All remained quiet behind him, however, and he risked a glance back at her. June was standing where he found her, looking composed, with one of her eyebrows arched into a point. "Well?" she said. "Next time, am I to expect your appearance while I'm in the shower, or was this a one off?"

"I knew you were in your bedroom," he explained, "I just didn't think to check what you were doing, I'm afraid. Your heartbeat was calm for the most part, so I assumed it couldn't have been anything too criminalizing. Not so early in the morning, at least."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "I thought I told you last night to stop spying on me?"

"Yes, but you also didn't wait around to hear me deny your request."

"What? Why?"

He was about to explain, but then his gaze dropped down to her chest, still glistening with residual water droplets from her shower, and he made a sound of mild frustration. "Would you be so kind as to put on some clothes? Or do you intend to be standing there like that for the duration of our entire conversation?"

"You're an angel," she stated matter-of-factly. "This shouldn't bother you."

"Not that it matters, Miss Winchester," he replied evenly, "but despite what you may think, my vessel belonged to a human man before he gave it up in an act of service. However, that is besides the point. What bothers me is that your father can come in at any moment, and I'd really rather not have him finding me here with his half-naked daughter."

June was surprised to hear that Daniel's body was technically human, but made a point not to show it. Instead, she went over to sit down on the edge of her bed and crossed one leg over the other, which pulled up her towel and exposed a decent amount of her thigh. "What are you gonna do about it, Mr. Angelus?" she challenged. 

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