Chapter 13 - Night Out Part 1.

Start from the beginning

"Umm... about 9?"

"Crap, I need to start getting ready. I need to take a shower." You cursed as you checked the time, seeing that you had about two hours to get ready.

"Alright, you hop in the shower first." Colby said to you as he moved to the sofa, pulling out his phone on the way, presumably to text Brennen back.


You sighed as you sat on Colby's sofa, waiting for him to get ready. You had taken the time to check in with your mom, but now sat fiddling your phone.

You glanced up at the sound of a door opening, and out stepped Colby. He was dressed in a black ripped t-shirt and jeans, and a black jacket with white patterns and symbols on. His style was nothing like you'd ever seen in Kansas, and you couldn't help but admire it. However, you also felt slightly undressed in your simple black dress and denim jacket, even compared to his ripped jeans and top.

You stood up, confused as Colby stopped as he spotted you, his mouth dropping open slightly.

"What? Do I look okay?" You asked, feeling very self-conscious as you fidgeted with your jacket.

"Yes, you look amazing!" Colby complimented you with a soft smile.

"Thank you." Great, now you were blushing. "You don't look too bad yourself. Although, I was hoping you would considering you took longer than me to get ready." You joked.

"What?! No I did not!" He argued.

"Yes, you did! I've been waiting for you for like... 30 minutes!"

Colby scoffed and waved you off with a laugh.

"Where are we meeting with your friend?"

"Oh... A club up town. Knowing Brennen he's already out... and really drunk also. I'll text him when we get there." He spoke, when he received a text.

"Great! Our Uber's here! I ordered it while we were getting ready." He said as he read the text.

"Awesome. Let's go!" You replied enthusiastically, excited to have a night out in L.A.

You grabbed your purse before following Colby to the door. He opened it and stepped back to hold it for you. "After you m'lady." He joked.

"Thank you kind sir!" You curtsied to him whilst walking out of the door, and he giggled as he trailed after you.

"Would Sam not want to come out with us?" You asked as you passed by the blonde's door.

"Nah, he's tried to cut back on partying since we moved out of the Traphouse. It's just some of the single boys tonight." Colby told you. "Welcome to the club." He continued after a moment, his tone deadpan.

"Thanks... I think. I'm sure not if it's a club I want to be a part of, though." You laughed.


"There he is!" Colby spotted his friend as soon as the two of you entered the club. "Brennen!" He shouted as you approached him, gaining the attention of Brennen.

"Colby!" Brennen yelled excitedly as he pushed passed some people to get to his friend. The two guys met with a hug and a pat on the back.

They eventually pulled away and Colby turned to you.

"Brennen, this is Y/N." He introduced, and Brennen also looked at you.

"Woah... I now know why Colby wouldn't shut up about you over the past month." Brennen commented, and you noticed he was looking you up and down in a way that you didn't like.

"Brennen..." Colby cut in almost warningly.

"What?! It's true brother!" Brennen laughed, nudging Colby with his elbow who rubbed at the back of his neck as he sent an apologetic look your way.

"Nice to meet you too!" You said sarcastically, smiling as Brennen's grin dropped slightly.

"Sorry. Nice to meet you." Brennen replied, but you could hear the snark behind his voice.

You regarded him with narrowed eyes, wondering why Colby was friends with him.

It went quiet between the three of you, and you bit your tongue when you realised Brennen was still checking you out.

"Alright awkward." You muttered as you cringed at Brennen's obvious leering. The drunken obnoxious guys were definitely one thing you didn't miss from your partying days. Unfortunately you still had to encounter it whilst working your shift at the bar back home, but at least you had the power to threaten to kick them out which usually made them back off.

"Hey guys!" You heard to your left and you turned to see Kevin and Aryia walking up to you.

"What's up dudes!" Colby greeted cheeringly as he moved forward to give them both hugs.

"Y/N! It's good to see you again!" Kevin said happily as he saw you, and you were soon also gathered up in a hug.

"Hi! You too Kevin!" You squeezed him briefly before pulling away.

"Hey Aryia." You smiled and waved at Aryia, he was obviously more reserved than Kevin.

"Hey." He grinned back.

"I'll get the first round of shots in!" Brennen interrupted loudly, tugging on Colby's arm.

"None for me thank you Brennen." You told him.

"What?! We need to show you how we party out there!" His tone was incredulous and he eyed you weirdly.

"Brennen, she doesn't want any, she-" Colby started.

"I'm not drinking tonight, but thank you though." I cut him off, my tone clipped. I appreciated Colby stepping in for me, but I could speak for myself.

"Whatever! Come on Colbs!" Brennen scoffed as he began to drag Colby towards the bar.

Colby looked at you with an uncertain look in his eyes, and you figured he probably felt bad for leaving you.

"Go." I mouthed whilst smiling at him. Kevin and Aryia seemed nice enough, so I didn't mind hanging with them while he kept Brennen entertained.

I watched as Kevin grabbed Colby's shoulder as he was pulled passed and whispered something into his ear. Colby looked at me briefly before smiling and nodding at Kevin, clapping him on the arm as he was dragged away.

"Don't worry, he'll grow on you eventually." You glanced to your left as you registered that Aryia had spoken.

"What?" You questioned.

"Brennen. I know he seems like a massive dick but he's alright when he's less buzzed." He explained.

"Okay." You said, they were nice people, so you trusted their judgement.

"Let's go find somewhere to sit, shall we?" Kevin suggested, and you nodded in agreement.

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