Sweet mother of a dragon egg

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Wingers P.O.V-

As soon as we land in the village Dak and Layla jump off and run over to Chief Dugard. I really hope this works but even if he did agree, what if I can't control them? Or I'm bad at leading them? What if they don't listen to me? What if I'm a bad Alpa??? I hear Dak calling my name and I look up to see him waving his hand in my face.

"What is it Dak?" I ask.

"Chief Duggar said yes!" Layla yells.

"Really?!!!!" I say glad that I don't have to leave.

"As long as you can control them." Summer says. My face drops.

"You can control them right?" Aggro asks.

"Uhh... yeah?" I say but it sounds more like a question.

"Oh sweet mother of a dragon egg." Layla says face palming 🤦‍♀️.

(A/N) that's like 'oh Thor' or 'oh god'

"Layla language!" Burple says.

She only shrugs and says "Sorry."

"Well I think I can." I respond.

"Let's hope.." Summer says. I sigh. Then I hear my fathers voice in my head. 'I'm bringing the dragons over there, I hope this works.'   'Yeah no kidding.' I think to myself.

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The Royal Summoning  *BOOK ONE*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang