Nice cutter!

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Wingers P.O.V-

I open my eyes carefully looking around the familiar sleep cave. 'Did I sleep in.' I thought as I see everyone gone. I slowly get up and push open the sleep cave doors. I see everyone sitting around the lit fire pit eating fish. I trot on over to them and sit down. Everyone eyes follow me as I sit down. They realize that it creepy to stare so the all glance away in different directions. I sigh thinking, 'this is going to be awkward.' No one had said anything since I came out of the sleep cave. I know what they wanted to ask though.

"So.... how'd you sleep?" Layla hoping to lighten the mood.

"Uh good, sorry I slept in." I say not looking anyone in the eye.

"You probably traveled a lot in the past few days... I get that you would tried." Summer says not taking her eyes off the ground.

"You guys want to see a trick I've been practicing?" Cutter taking us out of the awkward conversation, which I was grateful for. Aggro seemed to smile at Cutter, though I don't think he noticed.

Everyone agrees and cutter grabs a fish and throws it up in the air. It lands on his razer sharp tail and spins quickly. Everyone applauds. When your a dragon instead of clapping you flap your wings ever so slightly. Which we did.

"Thank you, thank you." Cutter says keeping his head held high and saying it as if there's a whole crowd. We all laugh slightly at this and so does cutter. Though it distracted me for a second my head got pulled back to my decision. Go or stay....


So to be honest that was kinda a filler chapter because I had no idea what to write. Winger kinda has to decided today in the fanfic because it takes 3 days to get back and he already wasted 3 day going back to the rescue riders so only four days until his father goes to Vanaheim. Also if you don't know what Vanaheim is then it's this place where dragons go at the end of there lives and live out there last remaining days. Only dragons can find it. They say it were the dragons transition over to the after life. You might not have got this word if you haven't watched 'how to train your dragon- race to the edge' also sorry if I haven't been writing this story that much it's because I have like writers block for it. Idk? Sorry if this chapters boring. Vote and Comment!! Byeeeeeeeee!!!!

The Royal Summoning  *BOOK ONE*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant