Finding out

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Wingers P.O.V-

I landed in the middle of the island. The weird thing is it looked like the dragons were waiting for me. When I got closer they moved that way there was a path in the middle of the sky. I set down and look around. I see a huge water fall and I think behind it there was a cave. There was mountains before the water fall. There was beaches in the front and then there were a thick forest of pine trees. Then when you got in the middle it was open space and that's were I was now. I saw an pond in the middle and dragons basking in the sun. The pond was full of fish and the pond looked clear as crystals. Everyone turned to my attention when I landed. A lot of dragons came in and none of the others moved so why were they looking at me? I see a Swiftwing come out from behind the water fall, out of the cave. It was just a bit lager than me but basically the same size. He kinda looked like me. 'No that's just in my head.' All the dragons bowed to him. 'Why though' I thought. I gasped The Alpha Dragon. I didn't know the Alpa Dragon was a Swiftwing. I looked around seeing the other dragons bowing, I did too. I hear him rour saying. Leave. My eyes stared wide with shock as the other dragons fly away. That's the same voice that called me here. I gulp as he walks up too me. "Hello Winger." Says the Alpa. "How do you know my name?" I ask. (A/N) Ok no there talk normal. "Well I guess I should explain everything to you including why I called you here" he says. "Ok" I say. He really intimidating but I still held my head high.

K the writings going to be a little different!

Alpa/winger's father/ Storm:'s kinda hard to explain but I'm your father.

Winger: But my father left my mother when I was just an egg.

Storm: *sighs* So that's what she made up.

Winger: How can you be my father?

Storm: When your mother had the egg she didn't want you to grow up, having an expectation being the son of The Alpa of all Dragons so she left with you. I was heart broken when she left but didn't go after her it was her choice. She found a new flock and that's were you hatched. I think that flock got taken over by dragon hunters and she died. That's when I started looking for you. I found out that she adopted humans. I wasn't able to find you until now. When I did I tried to call out to you but you kept blocking me out so I had to get your attention so I made you try and scare off your friends though I made sure you didn't hurt them that badly. But something made you go back to yourself.

Winger: *whispered* Dak.

Storm: That's one of the humans you live with right?

Winger: Yeah. So your telling me my mom took off with me and told me a fake story about my father. Then when she died you came looking for me?

Storm: Yeah.

Winger: Wait a minute, that means I'm the next Alpha!

Storm: Yeah. That's another reason why I called you. I'm dying and going to Vanaheim. You need to become the next Alpa.

Winger: but I can't be Alpha, I would be terrible at it.

Storm: Don't worry. I will show you around the island and of course you'll have to live here. I will crown you Alpa and see how it goes.

Winger: Wait! Live here! I can't I have my friends at Huttsgalor, they think I'm dead for all they know!

Storm: I know but you have to chose. Make the right choice better chose quick because I'm going to Vanaheim In seven moon cycles.

Winger: I'm going back and talking to them before I chose.

Storm: if that's what you wish.

I flew off at that. What am I supposed to do. All this is so overwhelming. All my friends have been there for me. Dak and Layla are like siblings to me. I can't abandon them but what else am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do? Stay with my friends and  pretend that none of this happened or leave them and be heart broken just to be some Alpha.

Ok what will winger chose? His friends or being Alpa? Vote and Comment!! Byeeeeeeeee!!!

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